One Day is a love story that spans twenty years. I fell for the characters and weeped when it was over. I would tell you to read it immediately but I am always a little wary of making recommendations. I will say, this story touched me and will stay with me always. One of David’s characters (Emma) longs to be a writer. I chuckled over this bit of the book, a girl after my own heart:
“She drinks pints of coffee and writes little observations and ideas for stories with her best pen on the linen-white pages of expensive note-books. Sometimes, when it’s going badly, she wonders if what she believes to be a love of the written word is just a fetish for stationery. The true writer, the born writer, will scribble words on scraps of litter, the back of bus tickets on the wall of a cell. Emma is lost on anything less than 120gsm.”
Dear Mr. Nicholls,
I absolutely loved your novel One Day. Hats off to you!
Great Expectations is my favorite book of all time. I re-read it often and had just finished the passage you quote in Part One when I picked up your book. In other words, you had me from the beginning. And then this beautiful story unfolds and I find myself totally wrapped up in your characters. I rooted for Emma and Dexter with every turn of the page, cringing at moments and crying at others. I didn’t want their story to end or yours for that matter. I really delighted in the ending—you gave me time to dry my eyes and collect myself before the last page. Brilliant! It also should go without saying—I LOVED the letters most. More people ought to write letters. And like Emma, I often wonder if my love for the written word is just a fetish for stationery.
Upon finishing the book I went immediately to your website (I wanted more!) where I promptly listened to songs from Emma’s mix tape for Dexter and then wandered over to your blog. I’m quickly becoming a groupie. I look forward to ‘watching’ the story of Em + Dex on the big screen this summer. In the meantime, I will hope like hell that you’re hard at work on another wonderful read with equally lovely characters.
All the best + continued success,
Hey! I just got back from my friend’s Super Bowl party and I found the NOOK flyer in my pocket with your blog address written on it. Nice blog! You’ve inspired me to do something for 365 days, although I haven’t decided what to do yet (initial thought: working out). By the way, I want a letter! Heck, I’d even write back if you’re lucky. Anyhow, it was nice talking to you – I hope you guys had a fun night while you were visiting White Plains. It’s also nice to see that the storm’s not going to result in more snow on the ground. Talk to you soon!