I am particularly fond of small acts of kindness, helping a blind person cross the street, assisting a mother and her baby carriage up the subway stairs… it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But what I love most of all is catching someone else in the act. It reminds me that there is goodness in the world.
March 4, 2011
Dear Starbucks Store 16211 Manager,
I wanted to share with you an experience I had in your store on March 2nd.
An older gentleman and his service dog were standing around the beverage pick up zone—he was confused about where to order. When the man realized he was in the wrong place and saw the snaking line, he decided to forgo the coffee. One of your schedule managers Alneis (I’m most definitely butchering his name, my sincere apologies) observed the situation unfolding and sprang into action. He approached the man and got him his “black coffee.” The old man was elated, flashing a “thumbs up” to his waiting friends.
I was so pleased to witness this small act of kindness that made someone’s day. I applaud the efforts of Alneis and wanted you to know about his quick thinking and expert customer service. He inspired me to do something equally nice for a stranger.
I too love seeing someone perform a small act of kindness, Thanks for sharing!