Tara is thirty


Today my friend Tara turns 30. She is one in a million. Her laugh is totally infectious and without fail, she is always wearing lipgloss. Some of my best high school memories include this gal. I wish I was in Miami to watch her blow out all those candles! But I know she’s in good hands. Happy Birthday Manis!

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National Pay it Forward Day


Oh friends, my sincerest apologies for the absence. I paid a visit to my future in-laws this weekend (in sunny Florida, oh my) and took a little break from letter writing. And then there was a birthday celebration and a late night at work. Poor excuses, I know. But I missed you all and I’m back, just in time for the weekend.

Do you remember the 2000 movie Pay it Forward? A young boy preforms three acts of kindness. All he asks in return, is that the recipients of kindness “pay it forward” with three more good deeds in an effort to keep the cycle going. The movie (and book) sparked a movement. In 2007 Pay It Forward Day was founded in Australia, and now six years later more than fifty-two countries are performing acts of kindness, today!

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Stationery that’s on Target


I have been a long-time fan of Target. I remember my initial discovery in St. Louis, while visiting my aunt and uncle. I got a snazzy new purse and perfected the pronunciation “tar-jay”–I was seven. The first location in Orlando, opened just in time for back to school shopping. I picked up a turtle glitter pencil case and got a signed photograph of Amy Grant (she was the special musical guest). Did it get any better than that?! Over the years I’ve turned to Target for party supplies, cosmetics and most recently, stationery.

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Prayers for Boston


My heart is deeply saddened. Another tragedy has rocked our nation.

Last night, the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Peter Jay Sharp building illuminated a message of love and support. “Peace and Love” “It shouldn’t take a tragedy for us to come together,” “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that,” a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote. And below, NY love B (in the Red Sox font).

Such truth friends. My thoughts are with the people of Boston and all those affected by this senseless tragedy. Know someone who needs a letter of love or support? Please let me know at lettersfromlauren@gmail.com.


Stamp Inspired Stationery


I’ve never been a stamp collector per say, but I do appreciate clever postage design. I discovered The Postage Service while stocking up at Urbanic last year. Christine Schaefer collects beautiful stamps from various decades and affixes them to envelopes. You can pen a note and pop it in the mail without any fuss. No postage required! And she has great taste when it comes to stamps.

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some stamp minutiae


STAMP COLLECTORS ARE EVERYWHERE. An estimated 20 million people in the U.S. collect stamps. It is one of the world’s most popular hobbies. John Lennon was even a childhood stamp collector. His treasured album (pictured above) is on display at the National Postal Museum in Washington D.C.. Rock on!

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a letter for the ‘wedding whisperer’


I know I’m in the minority here, but I didn’t want a wedding. Don’t get me wrong, I love weddings–other people’s weddings. I found my best friend, someone I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with and that’s good enough for me. But I am an only child and I know I’d be disappointing a lot of friends and family if Adam and I didn’t do something.

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