A brilliant letter

TAKOMA PARK, MD - JUNE 5:  Phyllis Richman in her home office i

Sometimes, someone else says it best. Like this lovely and accomplished septuagenarian Phyllis Richman.

I was totally taken with an article published in The Washington Post earlier this month. It was written by Ms. Richman, in response to a letter she received from Harvard University in 1961. I encourage you to read both (really, three) letters–a shining example of so many truths in this life.

P.S. The Washington Post article can be found here. Phyllis Richman’s photo was taken by Linda Davidson for The Washington Post.

P.P.S. I love that she kept the letter for fifty-two years!

Tattoos by mail


It’s no secret, I love mail of any kind. Packages are particularly exciting, oh the anticipation of what’s inside! A few weeks ago, I ordered some temporary tattoos from the creative geniuses at Tattly. I am over the moon about the tattoos—they are so lighthearted and remind me of childhood summers. But I was totally enchanted by the smart package design. The tattoos come neatly tucked into a heavyweight cardboard envelope with the Tattly logo doubling as a return address. Best of all–they use real stamps, and the U.S. Postal Service to deliver. I’ve enclosed a few ‘tats’ in some recent correspondence (to the great delight of my recipients). Don’t you just love the idea of an envelope surprise?