thirty: praise for the seltzer maker

Northern Spy Food Co. is one of my neighborhood go-to spots. It features a great menu of locally sourced seasonal fare and delicious homemade seltzer. It’s also the perfect walking distance from my apartment–I can order dessert and not feel completely stuffed when I arrive home. I have never been disappointed by these guys.

January 30, 2011

Attention Seltzer Magician: That blood orange fabulousness I guzzled down tonight was a 10! I didn’t know I could love anything so much! I’ve had many of your homemade varieties but this one tops the charts. A blood orange never disappoints—so full of flavor and just the right touch of pucker. And combined with just the right amount of bubbles and a straw: SHOW STOPPER! Now, how do I go about getting this recipe? I’m an excellent student in the kitchen and a superb secret keeper. Pretty please?

Your devoted seltzer-aholic,


P.S. You guys rule! (get it?)



twenty-nine: birthday wishes for Oprah

Janaury 29, 2011


Happy Birthday! I’m sure you get millions of these, but I wanted to send you one anyway. Can anyone ever get too much birthday-love?

I had the privilege of attending a taping of your show in Chicago last April. You were a rock star. You were so gracious and complimentary of the audience. I was very impressed. Thank you for championing women, for giving the voiceless hope and for inspiring millions of people to be better.

I hope you have a wonderful birthday spent with those you love. And may the year ahead be filled with success (hello, OWN!).

All the best,



twenty-eight: a letter for Mr. Pollock

January 28, 2011

Dear Mr. Pollock,

Happy Birthday! If you were still alive you’d be 99 years old today. I think we both know you probably wouldn’t have made it to 99, but I like to imagine what you might have created had you not had that unfortunate car accident. You missed seatbelts by a few years…

You are one of my favorite artists. I like your work, but I find the story of your life particularly fascinating. I wrote a term paper on you in college. At the time I was living in London, and all the books I researched called you a cowboy. I thought that was hilarious—then again you were born in the wild west of Wyoming. I loved learning about your art and the way it evolved over the years.

I live in New York City so your paintings are never far. I like to stand in front of the giant murals at MOMA and see what I can find stuck between the layers of rich paint. Your work pairs quite nicely with music, did you know that? I always take away a renewed appreciation for the splatters, the risk you took and the obvious effort of ‘action painting.’

This summer I took a tour of your house in the Springs of Long Island. Your studio was my favorite part. I stood in paper booties staring at the floor, trying to decipher where your famous canvases were brought to life.

Thank you for your contribution to the cannon of art history. You will live on in your work, where no doubt we’ll be celebrating you for another 99 years. I hope there is cake wherever you are.




twenty seven: a letter for Mom

A big snow storm dumped twenty inches of snow in Manhattan. My Mom, a former flight attendant, sprung into action and switched my flight. Three cheers!

January 27, 2011


Big THANKS for rescheduling my flight. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in an airport all-day, but I also wouldn’t protest to a few more days of sunshine. Los Angeles is a very fine city. I could do without the driving, but the beaches are lovely, the vegetables are so fresh and the people are quite friendly. I’ve even adjusted to my roommate’s snoring, wink.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night! Be careful in the cold! And thanks again.



P.S. I so love the novelty of hotel writing paper.

P.P.S. I bought a lot (a way lot) of pretty stationery + cards this trip.


twenty-six: a letter for Paul

Paul worked at the magazine too. He also spun jazz at a bar on the lower east side. And when it was warm he sported man-sandals with pride. A little while ago a lady popped into his life and before you knew it he was trading coasts. Now I’m in charge of retrieving his mail, sigh.

January 26, 2011


Thanks for letting me crash your boy’s dinner at Little Dom’s. It was so great to see you (and Paul), and Adrian Gardiner—but not more than you of course. I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet your lady. I think LA is pretty swell and I hope you are very happy here. It’s kind of hard not to be with all the sunshine, no? You know always have a place on my couch if you ever miss the Statue of Liberty or more likely, Casimir.



P.S. I’m glad I have your LA address, because that Chinatown P.O. box is simply dreadful (and I would know!).

Hello Lucky

twenty-five: a postcard for Vu

My friend Vu lived in LA for a few years, so before my jaunt to the west coast he loaded me up with recommendations.

January 25, 2011


I took your recommendations and had a most fabulous day! It all started with a trip to the Grove’s farmer market, followed by a lovely tour of the Getty. The crowning glory was the mozzarella bar at Osteria Mozza. HEAVEN. I even had a celeb sighting, which was very LA, no? Thanks so much!




twenty-four: a thank you for Denis

Denis works the weekend graveyard shift in my building. Generally he doesn’t see a lot of action (unless you count the drunk people who stumble in before sunrise), but twenty minutes into his shift I was screaming “my ceiling is leaking, its going to fall in, HELP!” And helped he did.

January 24, 2011


Thank you for coming to the rescue on Saturday night. You saved my bathroom ceiling for an untimely collapse (these things always happen when you have dinner company, no?). Chris popped the pockets on Sunday, some very friendly plumbers conquered the leak today and Rich says the ceiling will be scraped and patched in no time. Phew! Thanks again for your help.




twenty-three: a birthday card for Todd

My family used to summer vacation with Todd’s family. We’d cram into the backseat of a minivan and try not to kill each other before we got where we were going. Our parents wised up and rented a conversion van every summer there after–we each had our own bench. I knew Todd before puberty, saw him through a few cases of athlete’s foot and shared a turducken with him on Christmas. I expect we’ll know each other for many years to come.

January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Todd!  I saw this card and thought of you, wink. I hope you have an awesome day (maybe the Jets will give you a big win?!). Let’s have a proper celebratory drink soon. I’ll even throw in a cupcake if you promise to play nice. Best wishes for the year ahead friend!

Lauren xxo

P.S. Did you realize we’re going on eighteen years of friendship… pretty crazy.

Spitfire Girl

twenty-two: a letter for Anatol, aka Mr. Photo Booth

I adore photo booths. I always have and I’m quite sure I always will. My favorites are the older variety that still spit out black and white strips–color is so overrated in a photo booth. Anatol Josepho invented this brilliant machine in 1927. On March 28 of that same year he made the front page of the New York Times: “Slot Photo Device Brings $1,000,000 to Young Inventor. Hello big money!

January 22, 2011

Dear Mr. Josepho,

Thank you for your brilliant invention. It is by far, one of my most favorite things. I cannot pass a photo booth and not stop in. I plan to have a wedding someday to justify renting my very own little booth (yes– you can rent them now!).

With perseverance and great discipline you achieved the American Dream. I love that you gave away part of your fortune to the needy of New York City. I’m quite sure you were a good man.

Big thank yous and big smiles,



twenty-one: a letter for Elyse S.

Elyse and I worked together for a very brief moment in time. She has the best sense of humor and can pull off cowboy boots with any outfit–seriously. Today she needed a swift kick in the ass so I did what any good friend would do, I gave her one!

January 21, 2011


I am going to “talk at you” now. It would probably help if you imagined me in camouflage, SHOUTING, but with a snazzy Tiffany & Co. silver whistle, wink.

You story is just being written. You are incredibly talented, full of spirit and wit. Stop selling yourself short and don’t you dare cheat your dreams on account of fear. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself (obligatory idiom: Rome wasn’t built in a day). You DO have it in you. Start small and always ask for help. Your bosses may not want to see (or help) you succeed, but plenty of us do. Not every work environment is sour and people will pay you what you’re worth. It is scary out there, but you’re brave!

Not to sound all Pollyanna, but life is never straight and narrow. Lean into the curves and remember your happiness is paramount. It’s not about what it will all look like to a stranger, or how much starting over can suck. It’s about you. You and you alone are in charge of your story. And I have a feeling it’s going to be good one.

All done! Now get started! I’m already cheering you on friend! And if you need anything, I’m here.

Love your bossy friend,


old school kate spade