seventy-seven: sympathy for Japan

Heartfish Press: 100% of  the proceeds of this lovely letterpress print go to the earthquake and tsunami relief effort in Japan (purchase here).

I am just heartbroken over the recent events in Japan. It seems like the whole world is crumbling, bit-by-bit. I was particularly moved to hear the stories about people helping each other—no looting or chaos, but selflessness in the face of extreme adversity. I’m not sure I would behave so well.

March 19, 2011

To The People of Japan,

My thoughts and prayers are with your country at this difficult time. I cannot imagine your loss or the harrowing road ahead. I am so awed by your courtesy and willingness to help one another. It is admirable.

And to the courageous men and women involved in the nuclear crisis at Fukushima, I commend and thank you. Your commitment to Japan and your incredible determination are beyond words. You are true heroes.

May you receive aid and assistance expeditiously. And may you be comforted knowing that people all over the world are wishing you well during this difficult time.

With Sympathy,


seventy-six: condolences for Claire

Claire’s mother Jenny sent me a touching letter request, one that really resonated with me. Claire’s friend Bitsy recently passed away. It is so hard to loose someone you love—the first time is especially tough. My heart goes out to Claire and all that loved Bitsy.

March 18, 2011


Your Mom told me about Bitsy. I am so very sorry for your loss.

My friend Maria passed away when we were just fourteen. She too was in a catastrophic car accident—her life was taken instantly. Just yesterday marked fourteen years since her passing. There is something particularly unfair about seeing someone young be taken too soon.

Your Mom also mentioned the beautiful scrapbook you’re hard at work on. I think it’s wonderful that you’ve channeled your grief into something so thoughtful and lovely. I know Bitsy’s family will treasure it always. And perhaps it will offer you some closure as well.

I know these next few months will be particularly tough. Allow yourself to grieve Claire. And know that Bitsy will live on forever in your heart and your memories. I’ll be thinking about you and all those that loved your sweet friend.

Deepest condolences,


Paper Cup Design

the letters didn’t suffer

May I offer you some letter inspired eye-candy? I’m hoping it will get me back in your good graces.

Oh friends, my sincerest apologies for the unplanned hiatus! A freelance project nearly swallowed me whole (please direct all complaints, grievances and how-dare-yous to Paul). I assure you, the letters didn’t suffer—just the posting. So here they all are in rapid succession… enjoy!

P.S. Thanks for sticking with me!

No. 1 : letter necklace

No. 2: letter coin purse

No. 3 : letter-inspired sewing kit


seventy-five: birthday wishes for Teresa

Teresa is the mother of my faux-niece McKayla (I’m an only child and will only ever have a niece or nephew by marriage, so I claimed this kiddo the second she was born) and the big sister of my childhood best friend. I remember riding in the backseat of her green Honda Accord and thinking how cool she was to be driving and kissing boys. Many years later, I still admire her, but for different reasons. She’s raising a charming, well-mannered little girl and teaching droves of apathetic high school kids classic literature. And just for today, she gets all the cake she wants—three cheers!

March 16, 2011


A big birthday wish for a reformed party animal! I hope you have a delightful day with Publix cake and presents you didn’t even know you needed—like a trip to New York City. I’ve got my fingers crossed (and an elaborate plan for tea at the American Girl Cafe).

May the year ahead be filled with all good things—reaching your triathlon goals, respectful students, some time by the sea and maybe even a winning lottery ticket, just for good measure…


Happy, Happy Birthday love!


Lauren xxo



seventy-five: luck for Lonny’s Michelle Adams

Friends, I had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Michelle Adams of Lonny Magazine fame this past Saturday. She was a complete delight (I have to admit I was a little star struck). In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I’m sending a wee bit of luck her way… a day early.

March 16, 2011

Dear Michelle,

I just wanted to wish you luck on your tv segment this week. I know you will be a sensation (just like the last few shows). That Nate Berkus is one lucky man!

As I mentioned on Saturday, I just adore what you’ve done with Lonny! Simply brilliant! You are leading the charge of online magazines and doing a damn good job. I hope you pat yourself on the back at least twice a day. Thanks for bringing a little beauty and decorating genius to my inbox. And extra thanks for being so lovely in real life.

So, lots of luck! I can say with complete confidence, your outfit is a total showstopper, wink.



Dee & Lala


seventy-four: letters for Avery + Travis

I am delighted have so many lovely letter requests! As such, I feel it necessary to implement (drum roll please) two-letter Tuesday! Every Tuesday (for the foreseeable future) you’ll find a pair of notes addressed to deserving requestees. Do you know someone who needs a letter? Tell me!

Today’s letters were both requested by proud Mama bears. Avery, age eight, just got glasses and is a little apprehensive about facing her classmates. And Travis is nearing the finish line of Navy Boot Camp.

March 15, 2011



Your Mom told me about your glasses. How exciting! Did you get to pick out your frames? What color are they? I bet you can see all the way to the top of the Empire State Building now.

I think glasses are pretty neat. When I was your age all the smartest kids wore them. I bet you’re smart too. And just think—you’ll win every game of i-spy with your new and improved vision!



Crane Stationery


Dear Travis,

A little birdie told me you needed a boost to coast through your last five weeks of boot camp. Consider this encouragement “YOU CAN DO IT” an order!

I am so thankful for your commitment to the Navy and by extension, our country. I can imagine your training is no stroll in the park—especially with a 3 AM wake up call (what time is lights out?!). I am in awe of your fitness regimen—running + pushups? I’m lucky if I log twenty minutes a couple times a week on the elliptical. And don’t even get me started on the pushups (an old boyfriend affectionately referred to my limbs as stork arms—probably not far from the truth). Do they ever get easier?

I hope these next few weeks fly! I’ll be cheering you on from New York and thinking of your journey ahead.



P.S. This birdie also mentioned your boots are killing your feet so I enclosed some camo band-aids. :)

kate spade

seventy-three: cheers for Alex

My dear friend Alex just completed her Masters in Photography in London (big cheers!). A few weeks later she packed up and headed west, to San Diego. She’s settling in and has a running wish list: a proper job, new friends, and a lovely apartment to call her own. I wish I had a magic wand to make it all happen lickety-split. Since these things can take time, I’m sending Alex a letter of encouragement and this lovely chambray shirt. I hope she likes it!

March 14, 2011

Darling Palex,

I am so very proud of you—you and that Masters are big time! And such high marks too, what a superstar. I know someone will snatch you up in no time. While you’re waiting, take some photographs lady. My walls are longing for more of your work!

I know we’re both rotten at change, but I hope you can embrace your new city and grow to love it like you (now) love London. At least you’ll have more sunshine and brother along for the ride. Oh, and the French Toast at The Brockton Villa in La Jolla will cheer you silly. And if ever things get really grave, just put on the ruby red slippers and dance. It works every time!

I know good things are in store for you friend. I can feel it. Congratulations on your success and your new beginning! I am so excited for you!



P.S. The gum is for your new friends—everyone appreciates a friend who has gum, wink.

Paper+Cup Design

seventy-two: a get well card for Uncle Andy

My Uncle Andy recently had surgery on his back. A herniated disk had been giving him all sorts of trouble and indescribable pain. And really, who wants to be laid up when spring is on it’s way?! He has a long road to recovery—here’s hoping its basked in sunshine.

March 13, 2011

Dear Uncle Andy,

Gramma told me about all your back woes—holy ouch! I get cranky when a headache threatens my afternoon plans so I can only imagine what a set back this has been. I heard your surgery last Monday was successful and that you are well on your way to recovery, making progress everyday.

Since I have no authority for a proper prescription pad, may I suggest a Netflix subscription? I invested in one this year and apple tv—two words: totally awesome. Or perhaps  a really good (big) book: The Beatles by Bob Spitz. This is an all time favorite of mine (and I’m not even a crazy Beatles fan). It’s over 900 pages long but you will read it in a week—I forgot to break for meals when I was devouring it. Spitz did an exhaustive amount of research and it shows in his vivid descriptions of these men’s lives.

I hope you’re back on your feet in no time! We’re going to need you at 100% by June for some good old-fashioned boogieing at Griffin’s wedding…



seventy-one: a letter for the post office

Today the U.S. Post Service celebrates its establishment and 222 years of service. Every year those guys + gals see to it that more than 212 billion pieces of mail are delivered. That’s a lot of letters friends. And while I loathe waiting in line at my local post office (there is always a forever-long line), and the ever-rising cost of stamps, I very much appreciate the service provided. Did you know the USPS receives no government funding? In honor of letter carriers everywhere, I’m writing to the postal staff at my local office. Without them, this project wouldn’t be possible.

March 12, 2011

Dear Post Office Staff,

I wanted to extend a proper thank you for your services. I took on a little project this year—I’m writing a letter a day in 2011. This of course means, lots of trips to your offices and scattered blue mailboxes.

Your clerks are always courteous and patient with my endless stamp requests. Thank you for sorting all my letters and making sure they get to their intended destinations, near and far. And thanks to the letter carriers that leave the busy hive to deliver our precious parcels, in sweltering heat and icy cold conditions.

I’m sure many take what you do for granted. But I sincerely appreciate all your efforts. Without all of you, my project wouldn’t be possible.

Many thanks,


P.S. I’m so excited for new stamps in 2011!

heavy cardstock + Airmail envelopes


seventy: a letter for Ken

I grew up on Barbie. I had the pink convertible, the wardrobe and the entourage. I even had the original Barbie and Midge from the 1950’s, which my Mom so benevolently let me manhandle. And in full-disclosure, I was Barbie, (poufy pink dress, white heels and all) at the Times Square Toys R Us. It only took me a few hundred autographs to perfect her signature.

When Mattel launched their campaign to reunite America’s most favorite couple, I took notice. I didn’t even realize the duo broke up, did you? But I’m pleased to report, despite playing hard to get, and after many grand gestures, Barbie took Ken back!

Today Ken turns the ol’ nifty fifty. According to Barbie’s facebook page the two are celebrating with floor seats to the Lakers game… ah, yet another reason to envy that buxom blonde.

March 11, 2011


A very happy birthday to you! I know this is a big birthday, ahem, but I must say, you don’t look a day over twenty-one. What’s your secret? You’ve kept all your hair; even your washboard stomach has aged like a fine wine.

I hear Barbie has a very special evening planned for you two. I’m so happy you reunited. Thanks for being patient with her—she’s a complex character, what with over 125 careers and a trip to the moon under her belt. But you two were made for each other, literally. And I like to think true love conquers all.

Have a great day! I hope there’s cake and party hats and a little lovin’ from your main squeeze in the backseat of her convertible.

