one hundred and five: a letter for Debbie Millman

I am a big fan of talk radio. I wake up to NPR’s Morning Edition and have a dozen or so podcasts synced to my iPod daily. One of most favorite radio shows is Design Matters with Debbie Millman. She carries on a clever conversation about design, interviewing artists, writers and graphic designers. Today I treated myself to a grilled cheese and a few hours of Debbie’s discourse.

April 16, 2011

Dear Debbie,

I spent today catching up on your brilliant radio show archives. I subscribe to your podcast, but so rarely have the time to listen to your shows in their entirety, uninterrupted. Your poised and soothing voice was the perfect antidote to a rainy Saturday.

I was especially delighted about your recent interviews with Grace Bonney and Heather Armstrong—two of my favorite bloggers. You always seem to ask just the question I’m wondering about myself. Thanks for keeping the design conversation alive!

All the best,


P.S. I love your theme music too!

Crane and Co.

one-hundred and four: a letter for Gelly

Angelica and I were big letter writers in high-school. We filled a spiral notebook with notes; we’d swap it back and forth between classes detailing the minutia of our days. All of our crushes and teenage angst are encased between these multi-colored, doodled pages. It’s only natural a letter-lover would save all her correspondence and this notebook is no exception. It is my most favorite anthology of high school—take that yearbook (which I edited).

Angelica and I lost touch after high school. We reconnected about a year ago, and it was as if not a day had gone by. She’s married now with a charming little boy. I am so happy to have her back in my life. She wrote the last letter, and ten plus years later, I’m finally writing back.

April 15, 2011


I stumbled upon our little notebook last time I was home. Ah, what a trip down memory lane. The boys, the kisses, the drama, the nicknames—it made me miss you and our youth! Mostly all the time we had—time enough to write twelve page letter (!), switch ink colors every three lines and doodle at will. Ha!

I am so glad we reconnected last year. There was hardly a day that went by that I didn’t wonder about you or kick myself for letting us fall out of touch. I loved seeing you and to catching up on the highlights of the last ten years. Watching you and Logan interact was really sweet—you are such a great Mom Gelly. And I love that you’ve found happiness in life. You’ve been through a lot and are so deserving of a sunny-ever-after my friend.

Here’s hoping many more letters are in our future, and pancakes too! I’ll give you a ring next time I’m down south.

Lots of love,


Bella Ink (graciously donated–thank you!)

one-hundred and three: a letter to Gwyneth

In addition to eating, I love to cook. I’ve just tucked in to Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook (thanks Mom!), My Father’s Daughter. I know everyone loves to hate her, but I just adore her. I love her movies (and who could resist her on Glee?!), her weekly newsletter GOOP, even her husband’s music. I’ve dog-eared dozens of recipes and am counting down the days until summer’s bounty arrives at my farmer’s market.

April 14, 2011

Dear Gwyneth,

I am just smitten with your new cookbook. I love the organization and the assortment of recipes, especially the vegetarian ones. I live alone and while I love to cook, I often find myself in “same–old” ruts. I am in desperate need of a new repertoire. I’m hoping your new compendium will jolt me back to delicious variety (that and the spring bounty arriving at my farmer’s market). And although I’ve yet to make it, I’m going to thank you in advance for your fish tacos recipe—YUM—be still my beating heart.

Best wishes and continued success,


Sarah Drake (graciously donated–thank you)


one hundred and two: a letter for the Naked Chef

If you haven’t seen Jamie Oliver in action, you’re missing out. I’ve been a long-time fan of his cookbooks, but his efforts to educate Americans and combat obesity are awe-inspiring. Perhaps I’m biased—I’m a real sucker for a British accent—but I am totally moved by Jamie’s campaign. After all the challenges faced in last night’s premiere, I thought Jamie could use a little encouragement to keep fighting (and cooking) through this season…

April 13, 2011


I am so inspired and touched by your mission to change my country’s obesity epidemic. The first season of your show moved me to tears. I was shocked to think children couldn’t identify a tomato or potato, but had no problem naming French fries and ketchup among their favorite foods. Watching you teach families how to make healthier eating choices made me want to get involved. I signed your petition and even started paying closer attention to the food I put in my own shopping cart.

I am so impressed by your determination and drive to help our country. I’ve been a long time fan of your cooking and a collector of your books, but this campaign of yours has made me a real Jamie Oliver groupie! Thank you for making this, us,  your mission. Best of luck to you! You’re changing lives (even if the LA school board won’t budge).

All the best,


Really Good + Edward Monkton (purchased in lovely London)

one-hundred and one: letters for Greg + Diana

Happy two-letter Tuesday!

I’m an only child. I always wanted siblings and getting these touching letter requests makes me long for them even more. Greg, brother of Allyson needs a little pick-me-up. And Diana, sister of Claudia needs some encouragement and job-luck. I hope I delivered on behalf of these family-loving ladies.

April 12, 2011

one hundred and one:


Allyson tells me you’re a fellow grilled cheese lover. Cheers! Tell me, what’s your favorite kind? I’m partial to gruyere on olive bread with caramelized onions (if you ever make it to NYC check out ‘wichcraft), or anything smothered in truffle butter.

I hear you’re a little down in the dumps these days. Truth be told, your sister made a reference to your case of the ‘mean reds’ and I nearly died with delight. Not for your reds of course. I am a sucker for Capote and Miss Hepburn.

I hope things turn around for you. And soon. A funny guy and southern gentleman like yourself deserves smiles too! I’m thinking you just need a little spring. The second I stash my winter coat my mood skyrockets. Perhaps you should pair your next grilled cheese with some Macallan? For good measure…

Best Wishes,


fierce MALLY


one hundred and one and a half:


Your sister tells me you are having quite a time of it finding a job. Bummer! The whole visa situation can really be the pits. I studied in London during my junior year of college and have been dying to get back ever since. I wish they had some kind of government-sponsored swap in place—one in, one out. I’m sure plenty of people would love to trade places!

I know the current job market can be really discouraging, and that the hunt for employment can suck your emotions dry. Keep on keeping on. Hard work always pays off and not to get all Pollyanna on you, but where there is a will, there is always a way. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you.

All the best,


Sarah Drake (graciously donated–thank you!)


one-hundred: birthday love for Dara

Dara and I went to college together. She works in magazines and wears red lipstick better than anyone I know. Her laugh is completely contagious and she has the best jewelry (including a drool-inducing engagement ring).

April 11, 2011

Darling Dara,

Wishing you a very happy birthday, your last as a single (albeit engaged) woman! I hope today is a splendid kick off to a year of celebrations starring you—I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving! Wishing you health, happiness, and lots of chocolate cake—today and always!



Hello Lucky

one hundred letters down…

…two hundred and sixty five to go!

I wanted to pause and say thanks to you for reading. I never expected to make so many lovely friends or to connect with like minds near and far as a result of this wee-little project. Thank you for joining me on my journey. I am so grateful and honored. And to all of you who have written someone a letter in the last 100 days, I could hug you! I am quite sure you put pep in someone’s step. Isn’t that the best feeling ever?

Spill it. What’s your favorite letter thus far?

Virtual hugs,


P.S. I think we’ve reached that stage in our relationship where its time to take things to the next level. Letters from Lauren has a facebook page. I would be just delighted if you liked it!

ninety-nine: anniversary applause for Sarah + Jon

My dear friend Sarah and her wonderful husband Jon wed one year ago today. I was honored and delighted to have a front row seat as a bridesmaid. It was a lovely wedding, and these two really do make a perfect pair.

April 10, 2011

Dearest Sarah + Jon,

Happy one-year anniversary! It seems like only yesterday we were all crossing our fingers for sunshine and dancing the night away. I just adore the two of you and am so happy to mark a year of wedded bliss! I hope you can find a way to celebrate despite your travels (and that the top tier of your cake is still tasty). May all your years be filled with love, good health and happiness!


Lo xxo


ninety-eight: a letter for Netflix

Adam generously gifted me an apple tv earlier this year. I was hooked at first click of that sleek remote. A Netflix subscription followed, and now apple tv and I are having a steamy affair. Netflix recommends movies I might like, remembers all my favorites and sends me mail—what’s not to love?!

I got to thinking about the people who pack up the DVD’s and send all those rom coms my way. I’m an advocate of little surprises, so I tucked a postcard in with my The Royal Tennenbaums return. I wish I could see the face of the un-packer.

April 9, 2011

A friendly hello to the somebody who makes movies happen for me! Thanks for packing (and unpacking) DVD’s so that I may pair my popcorn cravings and rainy days with a little cinematic sweetness! I hope this bit of yellow cheer brightened your day!

Yours truly,


enormous champion for Chronicle Books postcard

ninety-seven: a love letter to Naturally Fresh

It’s probably evident by now, but I live to eat.

Carrot sticks dunked in ranch dressing is one of my most favorite snacks, dating back to my childhood. Up until now, I’ve had to use standby dips and dressings. But at last, I’m back to my original Naturally Fresh Lite Ranch. It’s a nostalgia thing I’m certain, but I am one happy snacker!

April 8, 2011

Dear Naturally Fresh,

Ah! You make the best ranch dressing ever. EVER.

I’ve been searching grocery stores high and low in New York, with no luck. And then I discovered your handy-dandy shipping service. Six mason jars of dressing are a little indulgent for a girl with a mini-fridge, but I will make room for your Lite Ranch any day. I also ordered a couple of your vinaigrettes—here’s hoping they are as good as my tried and true!

Thanks for making my carrot sticks sing. And for shipping home-style ranch all the way to New York City. Any chance, you can convince my local grocer to start stocking your zesty goodness? I would be so grateful!

Yours truly,


Paper Source