one hundred and fourteen: birthday wishes for Tara

Tomorrow my darling friend Tara turns another year older. I remember our first sleepover, helping her campaign for class secretary (I have to point out she’s Canadian and though she can’t vote, this girl loves a political debate) and video taping her “reporting” as Barbra Walters after a couple of wine coolers (she does work in news now!). Most Tara memories include a good giggle–what I love most! She’s a keeper. Happy birthday friendface!

April 25, 2011


Fairytale birthday wishes for my favorite girl! I hope your twenty-eighth year is full of cheer, good health and lots of cupcakes. And while we’re on it… I think this should also be the year you step up the quarterly visits to monthly jaunts–New York (+ me + Ashton) misses you! Wishing you nothing but happiness, today and always! Happy Birthday lovely!

Lo xxo

Kate and Birdie

one hundred and thirteen: an Easter Bunny for McKayla

McKayla is my faux niece. I’m an only child, so I naturally I like to play pretend. And any aunt would be lucky to call this girl hers! Her Mom is raising a wonderfully polite and poised little lady. I only wish I got to see her more often (she lives a plane ride away).

Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you friends!

April 24, 2011

Mc Kayla,

I hope you have a very sweet Easter! And maybe I’ll see you in May? Lots of love…


Auntie Lauren xxo


one hundred and twelve: congratulations for Belinda + Paul

Today my dear friend Paul is getting married in New Orleans. If there was ever an unofficial ambassador of a city, Paul would be the Big Easy’s designated mascot. In full disclosure, I wasn’t sure this day would ever come (Paul was quite the bachelor you see) but he got lucky in love at last. My heart swells for the happy couple and the sunny future that lies ahead. Congratulations!

April 23, 2011

Paul and Belinda,

Congratulations on your wedding! Oh how I wish I could be there to celebrate with you (and see Paul in a tux)! I am quite sure it will be a lovely southern affair, my favorite kind, and a day you will always cherish. May your union bring you great happiness and continued blessings. I have a hunch a whole lot of joy is headed your way.

Best wishes and lots of love,

Lauren  xxo

P.S. Belinda, I don’t know how you did it. But I know his mother is thanking her lucky stars. Paul is one lucky guy!

Pop ink

one hundred and eleven: birthday love for Larkyn

Larkyn is a lovely lady from the deep south. We worked together for a bit at the magazine. I adored listening to her subtle twang as she answered phones in the cubicle adjacent to mine. I tried to set her up once–really, that’s how adorable she is! And while we don’t see each other as often as I’d like, I think she is just swell!

April 22, 2011


Happy Birthday darling! I loved bumping into you in my elevator (of all places) but it just wasn’t enough! We need a proper catch up and celebration. And soon! I hope today is filled with confetti, bubbly and kisses from cute boys. Lots of cheer for you my friend!



Twice as Nice (sorry, no website available)

one hundred and ten: a thank you (+ a cash tip) for the painter

After much discussion with Henry, the helpful and patient clerk at Janovic, I decided to paint my bedroom Benjamin Moore’s Lacey Pearl. A girl like me can really get behind a paint with the words lacey + pearl in the title. It’s a lovely shade of light gray that I hope will be perfect. While I’m off at work, my building’s painter will be rolling away. I thought a little note of thanks would be just the thing… and a cash tip, because who says no to that?!

April 21, 2011

Thanks for your hard work today! I am so grateful. I never really liked this blue hue and am so excited for a little change (after five years!). I appreciate you doing it on such short notice too!

All the best,


Liberty of London for Target (no longer available, sorry)

one hundred and nine: a thank you for Mom

I feel a little sheepish admitting this to you all, but I love to clean. It’s not really the act of scouring I adore, but the results. I spent the better half of the last two days giving my apartment a serious scrub-down. My lovely Mother led the spring-cleaning charge, arriving armed with Clorox wipes and industrial rubber gloves. God bless this woman! As a little thank you, I picked up a pair of flashy spring rain shoes. And of course, a proper note of thanks…

April 20, 2011


Despite the dust and grime, I so enjoyed our annual cleaning spree. Lovely 7 J and I thank you, oh so much. I couldn’t have done it without you. And thanks for running me around town in an effort to expedite my many errands. My, cars are swell.

Most of all, I loved spending two days in your company. You are the best and I am so lucky you are mine.



P.S. I owe you a manicure.

 Lily Pulitzer

one hundred and eight: a letter for Denise + Debbie

Today’s letters go out to two women in need of a little boost! One letter was requested by a loving sister, and the other by a devoted daughter. Isn’t family the just the best?

April 19, 2011

one hundred and eight:


Your sister bragged about your recent thirty-pound weight loss—holy, holy, look at you! That is so amazing. I know that kind of lifestyle change takes serious discipline. I heard mumblings about a new hair do too! You hot mama! Kelsey and Justin are lucky kiddos. And can we just talk about you and your adorable high-school sweetheart Ralph? I love that you two have stayed together all these years (my parents were high school sweethearts too). You should be so proud of yourself and all you’ve accomplished! I know your sister is (+ me too, even if we’re strangers!).

All the best,


Gartner Studios

one hundred and eight-in-a-half:


Your daughter Rachel told me about your husband’s health—I am so very sorry. And then she told me all about your Wonder Woman efforts to support your family. I am awed. I hope you know how much your family appreciates all the sacrifices you make. They think you’re pretty darn great. And so do I!

I’m crossing my fingers thing improve on the work front, and that your husband recovers. I have to imagine your days are long and often thankless. But please know your family loves you so much. And stranger in New York is cheering you on!

All the best,


Gartner Studios

** Special thanks to Leslie for the shopping recommendation–these cheery cards are from Target!

Are you there friends? It’s me, Lauren.

Are you really still here? OH, thank you for sticking around. I am so grateful.

I assure you the letters didn’t suffer, but I had a couple of hic-ups standing in the way of posting. Apparently my computer also found Photoshop to be exhausting because she took sick and needed some love from the Genius Bar. And then there was the incident with the fragrant lilacs, my pointer finger and a sharp knife (I’m okay now!). But I’m back now…

While I was away, I made a little visit to Kate’s Paperie to stock up on some paper goodness. I stumbled upon this shiny wonder in the sale section. Wouldn’t this golden envelope make a perfect keepsake for a love letter? Perhaps a Royal love letter (yes I know it’s over, but I just can’t get enough!)?

Ready or not…  rapid letter posts!

one hundred and seven: a thank you for my Photoshop teacher

I’ve just spent the last ten-weeks attempting to master the basics of Adobe Photoshop. I’m not sure if I have ever focused so intensely, or done so many hours of mouse-clicking homework. But, I do feel like I’ve kind of, sort of, got it. The basics that is, just the basics. And for that I have Mark to thank.

April 18, 2011


Just a quick note of thanks for your unfaltering patience this semester. Your step-by-step assignment instructions were invaluable. I feel so liberated, having mastered the concepts of layers and masking—total Latin to me before your class. And while I’m quite sure photoshop and I are still adversaries, I’m seeing tiny glimmers of hope at the end of this long journey. Big thanks to you and your teachings!

All the best,


R. Nichols

one-hundred and six: a letter for she hit pause

I discovered She Hit Pause Studios at the Brooklyn Flea a couple of weeks ago and nearly swooned on the spot. Photographer Matt Schwartz’s dream-like polaroids are completely entrancing. There are so many stunners to choose from, but ‘girl in a field’ spoke to me and begged to be taken home. Naturally, I obliged.

April 17, 2011

Dear Matt,

I just thank my lucky stars I found you at the Brooklyn Flea. I am so enchanted by your work, especially my newly framed girl in a field. She has such promise of sunny days (they must be just around the corner, right?!) and carefree lolling. Best wishes and continued success!

All the best,


Paper Source