one hundred and twenty-four: a letter for My Way Cup

Despite this being the second letter I’ve sent to a barista in as many months, I’m not a coffee drinker. Really. I have a crazy sensitivity to caffeine so I generally avoid it, but some days I cheat…which is usually followed by regret. Will I ever learn? But I digress. Part of the reason I’m cheating is because I’ve discovered My Way Cup. The place is fetching, the coffee is beyond delicious and the baristas are super friendly. If you live nearby, you must stop in.

OH and Happy Cinco de Mayo!

May 5, 2011

Dear Charming (+ darn cute) Baristas,

I don’t know whether to thank you or berate you for making such delicious coffee. I have a real sensitivity to caffeine so I don’t usually drink coffee. But I ‘m having such a hard time resisting your brew! Your friendly service is icing on the cake. And may I also say how much I love your décor. I am completely smitten. Shame on you for bringing such tempting java to my doorstep! Oh, but please don’t stop.

Yours truly,


kraft paper + envelope from Paper Presentation 

one hundred and twenty-three: a letter for Kastro

I am not, in fact, a natural blonde. I was when I was born, and until about age twelve when things took a turn for the mousy. Mousy brown roots and pasty pale skin does not make for good wedding pictures. And friends, I take my bridesmaid duties seriously. So I paid a visit to my beloved Kastro, the ultimate master of hair. I am fit for company once again!

May 4, 2011


I cannot thank you enough for my little root touch up—oh who are we kidding, total overhaul. I so enjoyed our catch up too. I know the bride-to-be will be so appreciative of your handiwork. And I can hold my head high once again. You’re the best—see you sooner next time.



sugar paper

one hundred and twenty-two: a letter for Ana + Dianne

Today’s letters go out to a mom-to-be and a seasoned Mama, in honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday. Friends, there’s still time to pop a card in the mail for your Mom. What are you waiting for? Snap to it!

May 3, 2011

one hundred and twenty-two:


I understand congratulations are in order. Katya tells me you are bringing a beautiful new life into the world. She mentioned you are a little apprehensive too, this tiny miracle quite unexpected. Surprises are the best part of life Ana!

I have a hunch you will be a wonderful and loving mother. And I know you have the admiration and support of your ‘soul sister,’ no matter how many dirty nappies you force her to change. Congratulations and best wishes to you and the baby!



stationery unknown–sorry it’s circa 1994


one hundred and twenty-two and a half:


Happy (early) Mother’s Day! Kat sung your praises and suggested I send you a proper letter. She tells me you’re a dog lover—me too! I had a sweet and gentle black lab growing up. Now I live in a tiny apartment so I’m pet-less. I’d want to be fair to the pooch, and I like the big guys.

Although I have no children of my own, I know you Moms tend to worry about your kids. Kat hinted you are no exception. I hope you take Mother’s Day—your day—off! Take a bike ride and let your kids spoil you. You deserve it.

Best Wishes,


Bicycle Paintings from the Brooklyn Flea

one hundred and twenty-one: a birthday card for Judy

Judy is my Mom’s dear friend and my sometimes boss. She owns two lovely shops in Larchmont and particularly fancies frosting. And today she celebrates her sixtieth birthday! Happy, happy!

May 2, 2011


Wishing the snazziest sixty-year old I know a very Happy Birthday! I hope today is full of frosting (hold the cake please) and everything sweet! You don’t look a day over 29, even if you have a grandson.

Wishing you good health, happiness, and lots of Pink on Palmer and Clutch shopaholics, in the year ahead.

Lots of love,


paper-loop  +  Archie Grand

one hundred and twenty: a thank you for Alex

Alex and I have this tradition of sending fun holiday and birthday presents, months late. My Christmas package arrived last week, fifteen kraft-paper-wrapped treasures. Some were from her days in London—squeals of delight—and others were “so Lauren” it was just nuts. A proper thank you was a must!

May 1, 2011


Oh my darling Palex, how do you do it?! I LOVE everything. Christmas in April sure is swell!

Naturally, I am especially smitten with the British fare. I can’t wait to start needle pointing my bookmark (my Gramma would be so proud) and playing with all my party and baking treats. I’ve already loaded up the straw caddy with my new stripes and I’m doing my best to write neatly with the fancy pen. What do you think?

I am such a lucky girl. Thank you for collecting all these treasures and schlepping them ‘across the pond.’ What did I do to deserve such a thoughtful friend? Thank you, thank you sweets!

I hope to see you and the seals of San Diego soon. Miss you lady! xx



one hundred and nineteen: a letter for Jenna + one for David too

Last Friday my dearest friend Jenna became engaged to David. Friends, this was six years in the making so you can only imagine my excitement. I am bursting with happiness for the soon-to-be-bride and groom.

April 30, 2011


I am completely overjoyed! And admittedly thrilled to bust out my first Mazel Tov card, ha-ha. I am so glad the proposal went off without a hitch–I would have never heard the end of it if I blew it. Your man had plans!

You are so very special to me and to see you this tickled makes my heart swell. I couldn’t imagine anyone more deserving. I wish you and David all the happiness this life has to offer. And I look forward to celebrating your love! Congratulations on your engagement!



ilee papergoods



Nicely done! I guess we know she’s patient, wink.

Congratulations! I am so happy for you both! Thank you for letting me play the tiniest role in the proposal. I was so honored and thrilled to be part of such an unforgettable evening (even if it meant telling white lies). I look forward to watching your love grow. Best wishes and continued happiness!


P.S. I think its only right we celebrate the one year anniversary of your proposal (me too–for real this time). Same table but hold the rabbit. Should I make the reservation or will you?

Old Tom Foolery 

one hundred and eighteen: congratulations for William and Catherine

I am a self-proclaimed anglophile. I spent a semester abroad in college and have been desperate to live in London ever since. There is something so magical about that city, especially today.

To say I was looking forward to the Royal Wedding would be a complete understatement! I dutifully set the DVR and rose early to catch a quick glimpse of the dress (gorgeous!) and the kiss. And now I have over twelve collective hours of royal footage to settle into. I think this calls for some scones and clotted cream from Tea and Sympathy. Ah, I love today!

April 29, 2011

Heartfelt congratulations to the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge! Thank you for letting us all share in the joy of your union today. The ceremony was so lovely and you both dazzled  (especially you in that dress Kate!). Best wishes for a long, happy life together!




one hundred and seventeen: my lease renewal contract

Well, after some serious contemplation I did it. I renewed my lease for another year in charming New York City. Thankfully the rent increase was minimal. I like to think of myself as a stellar tenant. And this will be my sixth year under the same roof! There’s no place I’d rather be (unless those lovely Brits would be willing to issue me a Visa)…

April 28, 2011

Dear Landlords,

I am delighted to renew my lease and spend another year in this hospitable building. Please find enclosed my signed contract.

All the best,


one hundred and sixteen: a letter for Jennifer

Jennifer probably gets called a hero at least once a day. She’s a “genius” at the Apple store in Soho. And on Tuesday night she was my hero. She did some diagnostics, some restarts and fancy keyboard shortcuts and…revival! I was beyond thrilled and had to resist the urge to jump across the counter and squeeze her silly (I’m a hugger).

April 27, 2011


Thank you for your swift repair of my laptop. You must hear this all the time, but you were my hero Tuesday!

Its amazing (and perhaps a little embarrassing) how dependent we are on electronics these days. You listened to me with such genuine concern for my technical woes. Best of all, you were able to fix me up and send me on my way. And if my screen decides to be smart and play the fuzz trick again, I’m coming straight to you. Thanks again for your help!



Bella Ink  (graciously donated–thank you!)

one hundred and fifteen: postcards for Sarah + Ivanna

New York is finally seeing signs of spring: warm breezes, colorful tulips and snazzy sandal-clad commuters. So I thought it only right to send some spring cheer on this two-letter Tuesday. Today’s letters go out  to a couple of fine ladies, just because.

April 26, 2011

one hundred and fifteen:


I’m sorry you lost the house–I’m sure the spring showers will bring lots of good real estate. Everything is better when the sun is shining. And thanks for the restaurant recommendation. I’ll have to make a trip to Brooklyn soon. Happy spring and best wishes!


kate spade post card


one hundred and fifteen and a half:


Your new friend Sandy tells me you are studying photography–how lovely! I am quite fond of taking pictures and capturing moments myself. I hope this spring brings loads of inspiration and lots of good light! Happy snapping!

All the best,


kate spade postcard