one hundred and thirty-three: a shower of love for Dara

My friend Dara will be wed in exactly sixty-four days. Ah! As such, many parties must be thrown in her honor. Sadly, I am missing two today. But fret not friends, a lovely letter and gifts selected especially from the Mrs-to-be wish list are en route.

May 14, 2011


Wishing you the loveliest of showers and the dirtiest of hen parties, respectively of course. I’m terribly sorry I won’t be able to partake in the celebrations, but I am there in spirit.

I just can’t believe you will be a married woman in two short months! What happened to the carefree days on the quad?

I can’t wait to celebrate with you and Josh. I am OH so happy for you.

Lots of love,

Lauren xxo

Bella Ink  (graciously donated–thank you!)

one hundred and thirty-two: a letter for Tanner

Today’s letter goes out to a very special little brother, Tanner. His big sister Brittany was my childhood playmate. I remember when Tanner was born and an unexpected complication meant a weeknight sleepover for us girls. And how could I forget shooing him out of Britt’s room shouting, “you can’t play with us you’re a boy.” And then one day, when I wasn’t looking Tanner got tall and handsome and became a star volleyball player. How do you like that?

May 13, 2011


Congratulations on your graduation and your acceptance into med school! I saw your Mom last weekend and she was beaming with pride (as she should be)! Your sisters too! I am so happy for you and duly impressed.

What happened to the little boy with the chubby cheeks who always wanted to play “house” with the girls? I don’t know where the time goes, but from the looks of it you’ve grown up to be a mighty fine guy.

Sincere congratulations on all of your achievements. Best wishes and good-study karma at USF in the fall. I know you will make a brilliant doctor!

All the best,


Sycamore Street Press

one hundred and thirty-one: a letter for my pen pal Kathleen

Kathleen is my new pen pal. She attempted to send me a postcard all the way from Australia, but sadly it was returned. She sweetly scanned the card and emailed it my way. Luckily, my inbox was more hospitable. I love the idea of having a pen pal a half a world away, pulling on her sweater as I slide on my flip-flops. Since this lovely lady posted me mail from her hometown I decided to do the same.

May 12, 2011


I was overjoyed to receive your email… it would have been twice as nice to hold your postcard in my hot little hands, but I so appreciate your effort. My favorite line was “Do you have any contacts in Oz?” I can picture your sweet Aussie accent, ardently inquiring. And when I read it I imagined Oz, as in the Wizard of OZ, and really, who doesn’t want to be transported back to childhood, even if just for a moment. I bet your Oz is equally as wonderful as Dorothy’s ruby slippers. I have always wanted to visit Australia. And to answer your question, you are my first contact Ms. Kathleen and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m counting on you to help me plan my first adventure “down under.” What’s the best time of year to visit and where should I start. I know there is a whole lotta country to explore. Have you ever been to New York?

Your “American” Friend,


P.S. Thanks so much for reading and for your sweet comments—swoon!

vintage over-sized postcard from Dan’s Parents House at the Brooklyn Flea

(every time I see the towers I get a little pang in my heart, sigh)

one hundred and thirty: a birthday card for Adam

Today my very dear friend Adam turns another year older. I think he’s been kind of dreading his birthday, but I have high hopes a big present and a delicious dinner at Minetta Tavern will cure all unnecessary birthday blues.

May 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Adam! Wishing you a wonderful day—a day better than your Mom’s cherry pie or shooting par, because you deserve it. I hope this (very scary) twenty-ninth year surpasses all your expectations. I am so grateful for you today and always. Here’s to you and ten years of friendship!

xo Lauren

Bella Muse

one hundred and twenty-nine: letters for Mary + Mary

Today’s letters are for Mary B. and Mary F.

Mary B. is facing some difficult decisions but taking them in stride. And Mary F. is busy planning a wedding, while overcoming some health challenges. I hope these requested letters bring a little sunshine to their respective days!

one hundred and twenty-nine:

Mary B,

I am so very sorry for your situation. Mind you, this is not “feeling sorry” masquerading as empathy. Unfaithful men are the worst! And the wake of their reckless decisions can be unbearable.

I am so proud of you! For standing up to your husband and for choosing a better life for you and your daughter—she will thank you for this someday. You are not a wounded puppy but a fierce warrior. And anyone who tells you otherwise probably just wants to protect you. This must be tough on the people who love you too.

I hope this time in your life flies, and that you find happiness and love again soon. I’ll be thinking of you.



Paper + Cup


one hundred and twenty-nine and a half:

Mary F,

Your friend Allison tells me wedding bells are in your near future. Congratulations! I have a foot in the wedding business and know planning a proper celebration can be equal parts fun and exhausting. I’m sure whatever you’ve cooked up will be just perfect for you and your fiancé.

Allison also mentioned a couple of health issues and medical bills threatening to rain on your parade. Chin up Mary! I hear you have a very sunny outlook in life (which I greatly admire) so chase those rain clouds away. I know it’s especially hard during times of trouble. I wish you good health and all the happiness you deserve. And a fairytale wedding to the man you love!



Paper + Cup

one hundred and twenty-eight: a letter for Etta

Etta is a most charming lady. She is tiny in stature, but large in spirit. And for the last six weeks, every Wednesday night, she’s been advancing my knowledge of typography. I have had such fun geek-ing out to letterforms with like-minded peers. Etta is wonderfully patient and so encouraging—she’s the kind of teacher everyone should have at least once (this makes three classes for me–I’m extra lucky!).

May 9, 2011


I am a wee bit sad about this semester coming to a close. Mostly because I’ve taken all three classes you teach—there’s nothing left to enroll in!

I so enjoyed talking type weekly and pouring over your amazing book collection. And while my branding project is still wanting, I learned an awful lot.

Thank you for your wisdom and your encouragement. Learning from you has been such a pleasure. I do hope we’ll stay in touch—I know I intend to continue filling your inbox with my type finds, wink.

All the best to you,


Paper + Cup

one hundred and twenty-seven: a letter for my Mom

Today, we celebrate the Mothers of the world: the women who fearlessly gain thirty pounds of cushion for their wombs, the women who have an endless supply of patience during the worst tantrums, and the women who stay up late to help you build a solar system out of papier-mache (just saying). These heroines walk among us, encouraging and loving us no matter what. And today we celebrate them. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there, most especially mine.

May 8, 2011

My most favorite President had some wise words: “All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my Mother.” He was right. And it’s true, I am the woman I am today because of you.

You are my cheerleader, in times of joy and in moments of struggle. Your endless supply of encouragement has gotten me through the toughest of times. And your ability, call it Mother’s intuition, to know exactly what I need in any given moment is nothing short of amazing.

All my favorite memories include you. Our family vacations to awe-inspiring places, our mother-daughter shopping adventures, even time spent watching bad tv with tray-tables on our laps. I am so lucky to have a Mom that doubles as a best friend.

You taught me that the little things in life matter most, like ironed sheets and thank you notes. You always lead by example, teaching me to be kind and loyal. And thanks to the Virgo in you, I am a tidy and organized member of society.

Thank you for always being proud of me and for loving me so fiercely. I am so very lucky to call you my Mom. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.

xxo Lauren

Hammerpress (A big shout out to my birth city and these fabulous folks!)

one hundred and twenty-six: congratulations for Erin + Ben

Today my dear friend Erin married her love, Ben. We couldn’t have asked for bluer skies, a more gorgeous seaside setting or a better looking bride and groom. It was such a well-appointed affair full of wonderful people.

One of my favorite takeaways from the weekend was post-wedding star gazing. When you live in a city with lots of lights, you come to really appreciate an easily spotted constellation. Simple pleasures and good friends sure make for wonderful memories. Congratulations Mr. + Mrs. Hudson, may you live happily ever after!

May 7, 2011

Erin and Ben,

(The NEW Mr. and Mrs. Hudson)

My heart is just bursting with love for you both. It is such an honor to be a part of your wedding–a memory I will cherish always. May your new life together be filled with good health, happiness and lots of love. Best wishes today and always.


Lauren xxo

(in my haste to get down the aisle I forgot to jot down the stationer, please forgive me!)

one hundred and twenty-five: a letter for Maura B. Jacobson

Confession: the New York Times Sunday crossword puts the fear of God in me. I’m still learning how to navigate symmetric grids. And those cryptic, crossword-only words—ess, ere, erie—they get me every time.

BUT, I have been practicing on one Ms. Maura B. Jacobson’s puzzles. They are by no means easy friends, but they are mind-boggling fun (and full of puns)! Maura is hanging up her hat after thirty years of puzzle making. I felt a proper goodbye was necessary.

May 6, 2011


Congratulations on your retirement! Your puzzles have been delighting me for the past six years. When my weekly issue arrives, I flip straight to the second to last page and fill in all the easy clues. Then I read page by page, until returning to your puzzle!

I loved your tribute in last week’s edition. I had no idea you’d been at this for thirty years or that you drew your puzzles by hand until just recently. And I love that you were a winning contestant on Jeopardy! You are a legend.

Wishing you a wonderful, well-deserved retirement! Thanks for bringing such joy to your puzzle solvers.

All the best,


P.S. I hope you liked the “toast” pun, wink.

bumble ink, New York Magazine tribute

I blame Micke.

A few of you especially thoughtful readers have asked after my whereabouts (this month, OMG). I did not deflect to Paris, or run out of stamps as guessed. I was assembling Micke.

Okay, that isn’t the whole truth. But his assembly took much longer than expected.

During my annual spring clean, it was decided I needed a better stationery storage system. I discovered this little buddy at ikea and thought it to be a perfect fit. The top three drawers offer ample space for stamps, ink-pads, pens, letter openers, stickers, etc. And the bottom drawer is a hanging filing cabinet, allowing me to organize cards by theme: birthday, congratulations, thank you. Perfect, right?

Well let’s just say Micke and I had a little tussle. I won in the end, but there were moments that just weren’t pretty friends. Ikea has this uncanny ability to make you feel like the biggest idiot/failure in thirty short instructional sketches. I have since regained my composure and am quite enjoying my new storehouse on wheels.

But I digress, sincere apologies for playing hooky for so many days. It was never my intention, but real life stuff got in the way (like the eight loads of laundry I just finished). I’m back now and I so thank you for sticking with me. A lot of letters are headed your way, starting now!