one hundred and fifty-three: a letter for Dwight

My friend Elizabeth and I have a penchant for dance. We’ve become especially smitten with Complexions, a contemporary ballet company based in New York.

We took in a performance at the Joyce last week, and realized after the first act we’d already seen the parts of the show—oops! I guess we are officially groupies. The second act was new (and amazing) and the last act was this great U2 compilation that left me jazzed (once again). The dancers have the most incredible bodies and the choreography is so unique. As Elizabeth said, you’ll never want to eat carbs again! If you ever have a chance to see these amazing dancers perform, take it. You won’t be sorry.

June 3, 2011


I took in a performance at the Joyce last week and was blown away. Your choreography is just brilliant! I love the fluid movements, mix of methods and ambiguous story lines that permeate each performance. And those dancers of yours are nothing short of amazing. Your music choices are pretty darn great too—that rendition of Swing Low Sweet Chariot gave me goosebumps.

Thanks for sharing your talent and such a unique vision of dance. I am already looking forward to your fall performances.



Mr. Boddington’s Studio 

one hundred and fifty-two: a letter for Jess

My friend Jessica is a real star. We worked together, back in my magazine days and have been friends ever since. Jess is a brilliant reporter, an amazing athlete and a killer pizza maker. She even got me to rock climb once—yeah, this girl is the real deal.

June 2, 2011


It was so great sharing tacos with you love! I know we both always lament that too much time passes between our dinner dates, but I love that we pick up right where we left off.

Thanks for your sweet encouragement—it means so much to me. And I so appreciate you always thinking of me when opportunities pop up on your radar. I am very lucky to have a friend like you in my life.

I’ve got my fingers crossed for you too friend. Hopefully we’ll be sharing a bottle of bubbly soon to celebrate!


Lauren xxo

Cheree Berry

one hundred and fifty-one: a letter for Grace

I think Grace Bonney is just brilliant—she has a great eye for design and a seemingly endless supply of inspiration. She generously catalogs her finds and musings on her blog, Design*Sponge. Today the site launched its fancy re-design. Everything is shiny and new and even better than before (no, really!).

June 1, 2011


Congratulations on your fantastic redesign! I can only imagine the hours you’ve logged planning the design, cataloging posts and making everything just right.

And just right it is! I love the new color scheme. And the improved organization system delights this type-A girl. I’m even into the ads—which never happens!

Congratulations on a job well done! And thank you for providing such quality content to all the design lovers out there. I don’t know what I would do without you!

Best wishes,



one hundred and fifty: (map inspired) letters for Lauren + Sabeen

I love to travel and nothing tickles me more than posting an international letter. Today’s letters go to two ladies with the same adventurer spirit: Lauren is making maps in Africa and Sabeen is seeing the world one country at a time.

May 31, 2011

one hundred and fifty:


How’s life in Africa treating you? Blake told me about your fabulous job—I’ve never met a cartographer before! Were you always interested in maps? I worked at a magazine for a few years and was responsible for sketching maps. And that was a doozy! I really admire your talent. I hear you’re learning French too. I bet you’ll be speaking like a native in no time. Best of luck on this fabulous adventure!




one hundred and fifty and a half:


My name is Lauren. I’ve taken on a little project this year—I am writing a letter a day in 2011. Your friend Christina suggested I send you a letter.

She tells me you are quite the traveler (and post card sender). Have you really been to forty-two countries? I love to travel. I think I inherited my wanderlust from my Mom; she was a flight attendant for thirty years.

Do you have a favorite place? I have always loved Europe, especially London. And Barcelona is one of the coolest cities—the culture and the food are so inspiring!

I would love to hear about your adventures should you feel like posting an extra letter, wink. Safe travels wherever you are headed next! I’ll be thinking (er, envying) you!



card stock + map envelopes

one hundred and forty-nine: a letter for a soldier

As you heat up the grill and slice the first watermelon of summer, please remember the people who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. In honor of Memorial Day, today’s letter goes out to a soldier.

A Million Thanks delivers letters to soldiers stationed all over the world—more than five million have been delivered! I encourage you to send a letter too–can you think of anyone more deserving? I wonder if he/she will write back… I’m already giddy with anticipation!

May 30, 2011

Dear Soldier,

My name is Lauren, and I’m writing a letter a day in 2011. It’s a little 365-day project I embarked on this year. So far it’s been an amazing journey.

I thought you were especially deserving of some correspondence today, it being Memorial Day here in the states. Our country honors your service and your sacrifices today, alongside some potato salad of course. I hope there are hot dogs wherever you are…

I live in New York City, where we just welcomed some very fine service men and women during Fleet Week. I think they brought summer along with them. Our temperatures have spiked—hot and humid days are ahead. I’m not complaining though. It was a long winter and I’m a southerner at heart (I grew up in Florida). What’s the weather like where you’re stationed?

I’m a long time letter-lover. I bet you love receiving letters. They’re the best part of my day and I have plenty of other distractions. What do you like to do to pass the time? I’ve been working on my crossword skills. I’m trying to work up the courage to attempt the Sunday Times’ Puzzle. I also love Scrabble. I’m a word-girl, what can I say?

Before I go, I do want to say thank you. I know you’re making a huge sacrifice for the safety and well being of me and our country. And for that I am so appreciative! I know your daily grind must be thankless, but please know there are strangers out there thinking of you and hoping for your safe and speedy return home. Thank you again.

All the best,


P.S. If you want to follow my letter-writing adventures (and have internet access) visit

P.P.S. I wouldn’t hate it if you wrote back, wink.

Muji writing paper 

one hundred and forty-eight: a birthday card for Greg

I love old friends. I am blessed to have loads who live all over the world. And while I may go months, even years without sharing a proper in-person chat, I adore them just the same.

I haven’t seen Greg in a few years, but we solidified our friendship during our mutual awkward phase, i.e. middle school. He was dabbling in ‘skating’ and the two-sizes to big clothes that went along with it. And I was trying to hunch my shoulders enough to fit in with my five-foot friends (why I never realized my colossal bangs were way worse than my tall stature is a mystery I will never solve).

May 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Greggy! I desperately tried to find a turtle themed card that was both age and cool Portland man appropriate. But, as evidenced here, I failed.

I was so excited to get your voicemail a couple of weeks back and still contend a proper catch up must happen. And soon I hope all is well in your world out west. From the looks of it your life (and garden) is flourishing. I am so happy for you. May this year be filled with more of the same, but better! Send my love to Mom, Dad, Zach and Serina.


Lauren xxo

a. favorite design

one hundred and forty-seven: a letter for the dashing Dean

I have lots of favorite stationery shops. Really, lots. I’ve been known to travel (by plane or by train) for pretty paper. One of my favorites is in the most central of places, Grand Central to be exact. I first fell in love with Cursive, when I came across the little nook at ABC Carpet and Home. Next, an outpost opened in Grand Central allowing me to get my cards on the run. And now there is talk of a seaside spot for the summer in Amagansett (Hello, Hamptons). I am tickled pink. If you’re a New Yorker or just in town for a visit, be sure to swing in for some riches.

May 28, 2011


It was lovely chatting with you this week! Cursive is so wonderfully curated—I always find just what I’m looking for. Everything feels special and sought after, in the very best way. And Dean, you are always such a charming presence.

I am just delighted to hear of your summer outpost (and admittedly jealous you’ll be seaside until September). I look forward to visiting and stocking up on more beautiful treasures.

Best of luck,


P.S. You must tell Michael how much I adore his current window—they are all fabulous, but his cheeky and frank admission takes the cake!


(in case you were curious… here’s the current window)

one-hundred and forty-six: a letter for Dr. Lyon

Yesterday I endured my annual physical. I’m extremely lucky to be in excellent health, but something about any doctor’s office makes me queasy. And don’t even talk to me about the vials of blood they extracted—I pull a Scarlett O’Hara almost every time I see a needle. But my doctor is lovely. And the chocolate croissant I treated myself to post-visit made things almost okay.

May 27, 2011

Dr. Lyon,

It was a pleasure seeing you yesterday. I much prefer preventative visits to the ones where I’m congested or can’t swallow. Your calming demeanor and thorough, yet informal discussion of my health makes the experience as pleasant as a doctor’s visit can be.

Big thanks for keeping me in tip-top shape and for the cardiologist recommendation. I look forward to receiving my next echo on a table that can accommodate my long legs, ha!

With any luck at all, we’ll meet again this time next year (and no sooner).

In good health,


effie’s paper  (graciously donated–thank you!)

one hundred and forty-five: a letter for Andrea

I have a most lovely friend—she has big sparkly eyes and the kind of good taste everyone envies (and desperately tries to copy). She’s going through a bit of a rough patch and she mentioned being a little bummed yesterday. I thought a little cheer would be just the ticket.

May 26, 2011


I’m so sorry you are blue my dear. I know this time will pass and you’ll be stronger because of it (incidentally, you’ll be a better dancer too). I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I know your resilience and your love for the little guy will triumph.

I’ll be crossing my fingers for swift proceedings and an easy transition for all parties involved. You are a wonderful mother—never forget that and never let anyone convince you otherwise. I’ll be thinking about you friend.

Lauren xxo

Kate’s Paperie

one hundred and forty-four: condolences for Victoria

I recently read some sad news on Victoria’s blog. Her sweet Dad passed away. And although I don’t know Victoria personally, I’ve been following her decorating musings for the last five years, enchanted by every post. I attempted to copy her gorgeous gallery wall and just last month I painted my bathroom black. I thought this woman who has inspired me could use a bit of comfort, even from a stranger.

May 25, 2011


I am so sorry to learn of your father’s passing. From all I’ve read, he was a wonderful man and you two shared a very special bond. It must be a great relief to know he isn’t suffering. And yet an unbearable ache to realize he’s no longer just a phone call away.

I wish you comfort and support during this difficult time—I know your readers are all sending good vibes your way, myself included. May your father live on in your memories and in your heart, always.

In sympathy,


Motel Deluxe