one hundred and sixty: a letter for a thoughtful neighbor

I’ve lived in my building for five years but am ashamed to admit I know very few of my neighbors. I met a particularly friendly one yesterday (and he has an adorable dog to boot!). Plus he is a hair-care master—does it get any better than that? I just adore making new friends!

June 10, 2011


Great to finally put a name to a familiar face! And thank you for the swanky shampoo. It smells amazing and is working magic on my tresses! I like to use it on for particularly “rough” mornings… A proper note isn’t really thank you enough, so please think of this as an I.O.U. for a pie at Posto! Thanks again!



pancakes & franks 

one hundred and fifty-nine: a letter for a salad star

I’m a veggie lover through and through. Salads are generally my lunch go-to, so imagine my delight when I came across the salad star, Sade. This woman is an expert chopper—really, she could win a contest. She’s always smiling and has my preferred dash of dressing down to a science. People like Sade make the world a better (+ tastier) place.

June 9, 2011

Dear Store Manager,

I am writing today to sing the praises of Sade! I frequent Hale + Hearty locations, all over the city, and have yet to come across a more talented chopper! Sade provides superior customer service, and always with a smile. She expertly mixes ingredients and really listens when the customer says “just a little bit of dressing please.” I always sigh when I see her ladle-ing soup or ringing at the register because every salad she makes is perfection! Please pass along my appreciation!

Many thanks,


R. Nichols (graciously donated-thank you!)

one hundred and fifty-eight: a letter for Dr. Win

Friends, I got glasses. I’ve been blessed with surprisingly good eyesight despite my genetics (both my Mom and Dad were in specs by age twelve). I’m still getting used to my frames, feeling a little shy like Avery. But thanks to Dr. Win, eye extraordinaire, my left eye is getting a helpful little boost.

June 8, 2011

Dear Dr. Win,

Thanks for the flawless eye exam! I feel like it was my best yet—no sweaty palms or wooziness—and I left with my first ever prescription. Extra thanks for squeezing me in on such short notice. I’m pleased to report I found a lovely pair of Warby Parker glasses that are suiting me quite nicely. I’ve almost adjusted and have noticed a tremendous difference after hours in front of the computer.

Thanks again!

Crane & Co. 

one hundred and fifty-seven: letters for Isabella + Joey

Today’s letters go to two cool kids. Isabella is a five-year old ballerina who enthusiastically runs to the mailbox daily. And Joey is a thirteen-year old all-star, courageously battling leukemia and undergoing his second round of treatment.

June 7, 2011

one hundred and fifty-seven:


Your Mom told me you love getting mail—me too! She also told me all about your drawing and dancing excellence. Did you just have a dance recital? Perhaps you can draw me a picture of you in your costume. I used to dance too and the tutus were my favorite part! Have you read any good books lately? Mom told me you love going to the library—me too! Isabella, we have so much in common! I hope you have a splendid summer vacation… try to stay cool in all that Florida sunshine!



P.S. I hope you like pink like me! :)

Paper Source


one hundred and fifty-seven and a half:


Tales of your bravery have made it all the way to New York!

I understand you have been putting up quite the fight against Leukemia. I’m so sorry you’ve had to battle this for three years now—that must be the pits. I’m hoping this second round of treatment does the trick and you can get back to doing very important teenager things.

In the meantime, I hope you’re gearing up for football season. Do you think the Eagles have a shot this year?

I hear you have an awesome attitude and a great sense of humor—I really admire that Joey. And I am going to try and be more like you, every day. Thanks for the inspiration and best wishes for a speedy recovery!



The Great Lakes Goods

hurricane Irene + letter update

No matter where you live it’s probably hard to ignore the news of Hurricane Irene. She bustled in last night while I slept. Thankfully my street is in ship shape. We have power and due to careful preparations, I have enough snacks + wine to keep me content for days, phew. I know not everyone fared so well, so my thoughts go out to those of you beginning the recovery phase.

Since the MTA shut down yesterday at noon, I’ve been holed up at home. After a clean sweep and five loads of laundry I curled up for a little movie time. I boldly choose Beaches, and sobbed through more than half of the film. I had forgotten how much I adore Hillary and CC. The best part of course, is their letters. I love that they span the friendship and help to create such a loyal bond between the girls. Letters are just the best!

And speaking of letters, I know I am terrifically behind on my posts. Please forgive me. I hope to have all of June up for you before bed time. And July + August are soon to follow. OH, how I’ve missed you all!


first aid first


Oh friends, I have all these letters to post for you! And instead, my brilliant plans were foiled by a site migration.

I think I got a little ahead of myself here. I’m taking a web design class and ambitiously decided to pack up and move from to There are so many things I want to do with this little space and I was finding it awfully tricky with the .com limitations.

Well, smooth sailing it was not. I hit a few bumps in the road which is why I’ve been down and out. Pout.

Today I attempted some blog first aid followed by tender cooing (read:begging) to my host. And after nine hours and a few curses, we’re back. Well, sort of anyway. I’m still working on the “redesign” behind the scenes and am getting myself better acquainted with plug ins and such. Hello learning curve! But I’m hoping, in two weeks time, magic will happen: poof! a shinny new design with more features! I promise letters much sooner than that.

I so appreciate your support and sympathetic emails. I had really hoped for a better magic show with no awkward pauses or transitional phases. Can you ever forgive me?

And now friends, I must pour a gimlet to recover.


one hundred and fifty-six: a letter for Candace

Today marks the fourteenth anniversary of Sex and the City’s television debut. Fourteen years—can you believe it? Nearly four million viewers tuned in to the premiere, and by the end, ten million were hooked. (And still are—despite owning the series on dvd, I just watched back-to-back episodes on E!)

I so admire the brains behind the charming characters we’ve come to know and love (and assign to our girlfriends). Candace Bushnell wrote what she knew, and became wildly successful for an alter ego. How fabulous is that?!

June 6, 2011


I’m sure you get lots of fan mail, but I like to think of this note as thank-you mail. I hope you will too.

I’m a big fan, mind you. I think you are just swell!

I’ve read all your books, save the young adult series and am most impressed by your characters. The four women of Sex in the City are shinning examples of your brilliance: complex, confident, and uncharacteristically independent. These disarming gals taught us about friendship and the empowerment of female sexuality. They encouraged us to be true to ourselves, to chase our dreams and to never give up on love. Thank you for thinking them up. I don’t think there will ever be a better foursome. Ever.



P.S. I love that your alter ego stole the heart of millions—including mine!

old school kate spade writing paper

Muji pen

I really did think of you…

often in fact. And now that we’ve caught up on business, I wanted to share some letter worthy moments from the last few weeks.

Firstly, I joined the Letter Writers Alliance. Yes, I am very official. It’s an organization dedicated to keeping the art of letter writing alive. Amen! If you like letters, join here. Membership includes official stationery, free downloads and special treats. Best of all, they’ll set you up with a real live pen-pal!

Next, I got the most fabulous postcard from my very cheeky friend Alex. A little post-wedding correspondence from William and Catherine:

Dearest Lauren,

We were most disappointed that you were unable to attend our glorious celebration of matrimony. Catherine darling looked smashing and Pippa’s bum stole the show. It was quite outrageous. We hope to see you around the palace soon.


Kate + William

It has a perma-place in my kitchen. Royal correspondence is the best kind you know.

And to top it all off, I discovered a charming shop in Nolita. Thomas Sires is beautifully curated to say the least, but these letter-loving knickers stole my heart. Ring up the shop for your very own pair of colorful mail!

Okay friends, that’s all for today. See you here tomorrow (really!). xo

one-hundred and fifty-five: a postcard for Kevin

Kevin is a natural joy-spreader. He has an amazing sense of humor, an uncanny skill for retouching photos and a tattoo of the solar system. Does it get any better than that? And today he’s getting a “YOU’RE AWESOME” letter because he is.

June 5, 2011


I caught up with Charles the other day and he told me his fabulous news. I don’t know how you did it, but I am OH so glad you did. He is so happy! You may have a whole new career in sales, or law for that matter, wink. Thanks for being such an all around great guy. Must see you soon!

Lauren xxo

enormous champion for Chronicle Books postcard

one hundred and fifty-four: birthday love for Gramma

Today my Grandmother celebrates her 84th  birthday! I wish I was in sunny Florida, sharing a piece of chocolate cake with her. Happy Birthday Gramma!

June 4, 2011


I hope the birthday fairy brought balloons and cake! I’m going to have a piece today in your honor—it will be a big imposition of course, but I’m willing to do it for you Gram. I hope today is a keeper and that the year ahead is full of great memories—starting with a wedding! I love you very much and am so blessed to have you in my life, both as a wise woman and a dear friend. Happy Birthday!


Bella Ink (graciously donated–thank you!)