one hundred and seventy: birthday wishes for Kim

Kim was a very special part of my childhood. She let me deface the plants in her backyard to make “tortillas” for my pretend restaurant Laurel’s on the Lake. She was always up for coloring and she made sure Santa left a gift under her tree for me, every year. I admired her so much I let her feed me flounder for dinner (unheard of at the time–long before I traded meat for fish). At age six, she was pretty much my hero. And today, it’s all about her! Happy Birthday Kim!

June 20, 2011


Wishing you the best birthday yet! And a year of happiness—boat rides, grandchildren, ice cream sundaes—you name it! From the looks of it, life sure gets better with age. Tell that Captain of yours to cruise north for a visit—I miss your laugh! All the best to you, always.



kate spade

one hundred and sixty-nine: a letter for a wonderful father

Today is Father’s Day. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful Dad (he dubbed himself Mr. Wonderful and I let it stick) whom I adore. I hope you have the same, or another paternal influence that likes a celebratory meal at a delicious restaurant!

June 19, 2011


This globe reminds me of the weekly summaries you made me to write during middle school. As if having six classes and six homework assignments wasn’t enough, I was the only kid forced to write summaries on them all. No, I haven’t forgotten. I also haven’t forgotten the time you took my dolls away or when you signed me up for co-ed basketball during my formative teen years.

But that’s not all I remember.

I remember styling your hair. Using a dish-towel as a cape and a spray bottle to authentically wet the hair before molding it into the perfect do with bows and ribbons! I applaud your patience. (And take no responsibility for your receding hairline.)

I remember you teaching me how to hit a baseball (albeit with a large and forgiving bat). We’d play for hours in the backyard, with your dirty laundry serving as bases. We developed a fierce little bond during those weekends when Mom was flying and Marie Callender was in charge of dinner.

I remember your unwavering support when the job I loved was lost to the recession. You allowed me to feel sorry for myself, but only for moment. With your encouragement, I picked up the pieces and kept on with the journey.

I am so grateful for you–for your good advice, your support, and most of all your love. You have made me the person I am today. (And you did a darn good job if I do say so myself.) I love you.

Happy Father’s Day Mr. Wonderful!

xo Lauren

Snow & Graham 

one hundred and sixty-eight: a letter for a lobster roll (essentially)

The lobster roll is a wonderful thing friends—it is the most delicious mark of summer. Should you ever find yourself on County Road 39, en route to the Hamptons, do not miss East End Clambakes.

June 18, 2011

Dear East End Clambakes,

How do you do it?! Your lobster rolls are unlike any I’ve ever tasted. Chunks of fresh claw, a hint of lemon + herbs, all heaped on the most delicious brioche roll. The coleslaw and krinkle-fries round out a meal of perfection. I find them completely habit forming and dream worthy (especially during those winter months). Thank you for creating such a splendid compliment to summer weekends at the beach! You guys are the best!

Full + Happy,


paper + envelopes from Paper Presentation

WARNING: photo may make your mouth water and your belly grumble …





one hundred and sixty-seven: a love letter for Lady Liberty

Today marks the 186th anniversary of Lady Liberty’s arrival in the New World. She was a gift from the French and one of my most favorite city landmarks.

June 17, 2011

Lady Liberty,

I raise my torch (read: wine glass) in honor of you today. One hundred and eight-six years have passed since you’re arrival, and you’re still looking good lady! I love that they chose you to welcome the masses to our great city. I can only imagine what people must have felt, seeing you in the distance, a beacon of hope and a promise of better days. I know I always smile with delight when I catch a glimpse of your crown during my descent into the city. You are the ultimate ambassador of this little island and a great symbol of pride for our nation. Happy Anniversary!



one hundred and sixty-six: a letter for Moses

Friends, I got the best news today—my letter writing project was featured in a Chinese newspaper! I had absolutely no idea—but thanks to Moses I now have a scan of the article and a thoughtful translation. And lots of new letter requests from Singapore (hello, new friends)! A proper thank you note was a must!

June 16, 2011


Big, heartfelt thanks for your news—I had no idea my letters had crossed so many oceans! And thank you for taking the time to scan and translate the original article. It means so much to me. The best part of this journey is connecting with so many wonderful people who share in my fondness for letters. Thanks for the kind words about my project and for keeping up with me. May your mailbox always be full of cheer!



 kate spade

a photo of the article:






one hundred and sixty-five: a letter for Anne Marie

I have a particular fondness for pretty things, especially art. Generally my art is more affordable than it’s frame. So, I count my pennies and wait for the quarterly A.I. Friedman framing sale. This year I got a little ahead of myself, but the ever gracious Anne Marie accepted my canvas early. Thank you Anne Marie!

June 15, 2011

Anne Marie,

Thank you for your wonderful customer service today! I sincerely appreciate you honoring the framing discount so I wouldn’t have to make a special trip back. And am bubbling with excitement to see the finished product (this canvas has been sitting in my closet for more than a year). I am always pleased with your store’s work and I am sure this will be no exception. Best of all, it will be ready for pick up just before my birthday! Thank you again for such stellar service.

All the best,


R. Nichols (graciously donated-thank you!) 

one hundred and sixty-four: letters for Virginia + Krystal

Today’s letters go out to two women who are adored by those who know them best. Virginia is retiring from teaching middle-school English, and Krystal is just all-around awesome!

June 14, 2011

one hundred and sixty-four:


Your lovely daughter Caitlin told me all about you. I am just besotted with your “thank-you letter lesson.” I think it’s wonderful you’ve taught your students such a useful skill, mapping their road to success. And I am delighted to know there are like-minded letter-lovers, keeping the tradition alive!

BIG, heartfelt congratulations on your retirement! May your road ahead be golden and filled with happiness (and a few well-penned letters). Hats off to you!

All the best,


Macon York  (discovered via my parchment post subscription!)


one hundred and city-four and a half:


Your sweet friend Jeanette wrote me the most adorable list of things about you! A few of my favorites… “She loves hardcore music, especially vinyl. She loves tattoos. She loves to bake. She has crazy hair.” Um, can we be friends?!

She asked that I send you a little note telling you just how wonderful you are (hey, I believe it and we’ve never met!). It sounds like you mean the world to a lot of people. And based on this lengthy list of attributes + fun facts, I can see why. Isn’t it nice to know you’re so adored?!

And since you’re a fellow baker, I thought these grilled peaches + ice cream would be just the ticket for a glorious summer evening… not quite baking, but OH so delicious! Enjoy!

All the best,


Home School Chef + Claudia Pearson Illustration  (discovered via my parchment post subscription!)

one hundred and sixty-three: birthday wishes for Brian

Brian is an old college pal. We logged many hours together in a computer lab, cleverly assembling a mock lad magazine aimed at teenage boys. We unknowingly competed for the same job shortly after graduation. And we have the same taste in canine companions (cheers for black labs!). Brian is a good egg. And today he celebrates another year of fishing and hunting adventures!

June 13, 2011


Wishing you a very happy birthday! I’ve heard a bad day hunting is better than a good day at the office, so here’s hoping! I bet Boru’s scent will be extra- good on this happy day. Wishing you the best of everything in the year ahead. You deserve it friend!



P.S. Countdown to Dara + Josh’s nuptials! Can’t wait!

Snow & Graham 

one hundred and sixty-two: birthday wishes for Anne Frank

I remember reading Anne Frank’s diary in grade school, sobbing at the sweet girl’s unfortunate circumstances. And then in college, visiting the secret annex where she hid and documented the comings and goings of her adolescent life. She was a remarkable young lady, with such vision. I particularly like this passage form April 5, 1944:

“I finally realized that I must do my schoolwork… to become a journalist, because that’s what I want! … And if I don’t have the talent to write books or newspaper articles, I can always write fro myself. But I want to achieve more than that. … I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death. … That’s a big question, will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer?”

I so admire her zest for life, even in the confines of an attic. If Anne had survived, she would turn eighty-two today. Imagine that?! I like to think she would have lived to be a brilliant journalist and more.


Happy Birthday! It is unfortunate you did not live to see your 82 birthday, or your 21st for that matter (something tells me it would have been more fun). But, I can say you’ve gone on living, long after your death.

Remember that red-and-white checkered diary you started? Well your Dad published it. It’s been translated into 67 languages and is one of the most widely read books in the world (over 30 million copies sold)! Your carefully penned account is legendary. Thank you for your eloquent and courageous contribution to history. Incidentally, your diary was one of the few books on my summer reading list I was actually excited to read! It was my first exposure to the Holocaust.

Eight years ago, I visited the annex of rooms above your father’s office where you hid for two years. I can’t imagine what your life must have been like, or the fear you must have experienced while in hiding. I’m pleased to say our world has come a long way since then. There is always room for improvement of course, but people are much more tolerant and accepting of each other. Its small consolation for the price you and so many others paid, but it’s a step in the right direction. And you played a significant part in that.

You may not have lived to be a journalist in the way you imagined, but you did everything else you set out to do. You wrote something great—something that has brought millions happiness and understanding. And you live on, every day.

Happy Birthday Anne! It’s safe to toot your own birthday horn.

With admiration,



one hundred and sixty-one: a letter for a lovely reader

The best part about this daily journey of letters, is meeting wonderful readers like you (and you, and you, and you too!). One lovely lady has been a great source of encouragement. Her emails and shot-outs on the facebook page are like little rays of sunshine. And although we’ve never properly met, I’m grateful for her today.

June 11, 2011


You must be a Mom (or you’d make a darn good one if you aren’t). Thank you for your sweet emails and kind words of encouragement. I never expected to “meet” so many wonderful people along this journey—by far the best part! You are a rainbow of cheer! I just wanted you to know how much your thoughtfulness means to me. I am one lucky lady.

To letters! And internet friendships!

All the best,


fill in the blank cards, Greer Paper