a note for the upstairs neighbors


A few days ago Adam and I awoke to some heavy-lifting. Turns out, our upstairs neighbors were moving out. And today our new neighbors moved in. Or at least that’s what I’m speculating based on the noise from above.

I know many of the building’s four-legged residents by name, but regrettably very few of my human neighbors. I decided to properly welcome 8J to the building.

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a pigeon + the letter writers alliance


I purchased a pigeon and am eagerly awaiting it’s arrival from Italy (perhaps he/she was a messenger for the papal conclave?). A pigeon friends! And because my feathered cohort’s arrival is delayed, the lovely ladies behind the Letter Writers Alliance sent me another membership. And along with it, a snazzy patch that takes me back to my Girl Scout days. The LWA is dedicated to preserving the art of letter writing — “neither long lines, nor late deliveries, nor increasing postal rates will keep us from our mission!”

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a farewell letter to Ashley


Ashley is the little sister of my high school boyfriend. Over the last fourteen years, I’ve watched her home videos, attended dance recitals and chaperoned her scavenger hunt birthday party at the mall. I’ve adored her from the start and was delighted when she moved to New York in January 2010. Since then Ashley has made great strides in her career as a journalist, most recently accepting a job at USA today. It has been such fun watching her grow–I am just bursting with pride! A farewell letter and some New York essentials (read: black and white cookie) were a must.

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