one hundred and twenty-six: congratulations for Erin + Ben

Today my dear friend Erin married her love, Ben. We couldn’t have asked for bluer skies, a more gorgeous seaside setting or a better looking bride and groom. It was such a well-appointed affair full of wonderful people.

One of my favorite takeaways from the weekend was post-wedding star gazing. When you live in a city with lots of lights, you come to really appreciate an easily spotted constellation. Simple pleasures and good friends sure make for wonderful memories. Congratulations Mr. + Mrs. Hudson, may you live happily ever after!

May 7, 2011

Erin and Ben,

(The NEW Mr. and Mrs. Hudson)

My heart is just bursting with love for you both. It is such an honor to be a part of your wedding–a memory I will cherish always. May your new life together be filled with good health, happiness and lots of love. Best wishes today and always.


Lauren xxo

(in my haste to get down the aisle I forgot to jot down the stationer, please forgive me!)

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