one hundred and sixty-four: letters for Virginia + Krystal

Today’s letters go out to two women who are adored by those who know them best. Virginia is retiring from teaching middle-school English, and Krystal is just all-around awesome!

June 14, 2011

one hundred and sixty-four:


Your lovely daughter Caitlin told me all about you. I am just besotted with your “thank-you letter lesson.” I think it’s wonderful you’ve taught your students such a useful skill, mapping their road to success. And I am delighted to know there are like-minded letter-lovers, keeping the tradition alive!

BIG, heartfelt congratulations on your retirement! May your road ahead be golden and filled with happiness (and a few well-penned letters). Hats off to you!

All the best,


Macon York  (discovered via my parchment post subscription!)


one hundred and city-four and a half:


Your sweet friend Jeanette wrote me the most adorable list of things about you! A few of my favorites… “She loves hardcore music, especially vinyl. She loves tattoos. She loves to bake. She has crazy hair.” Um, can we be friends?!

She asked that I send you a little note telling you just how wonderful you are (hey, I believe it and we’ve never met!). It sounds like you mean the world to a lot of people. And based on this lengthy list of attributes + fun facts, I can see why. Isn’t it nice to know you’re so adored?!

And since you’re a fellow baker, I thought these grilled peaches + ice cream would be just the ticket for a glorious summer evening… not quite baking, but OH so delicious! Enjoy!

All the best,


Home School Chef + Claudia Pearson Illustration  (discovered via my parchment post subscription!)


  1. Krystal says

    I received this card in the mail today and it couldn’t have come at a better time. This is seriously one of the best things ever. Although it’s not a post card, it’s going into my vast collection right after I copy down the recipe! This project is wonderful, I look forward to looking through all of these awesome posts.

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