one hundred and seven: a thank you for my Photoshop teacher

I’ve just spent the last ten-weeks attempting to master the basics of Adobe Photoshop. I’m not sure if I have ever focused so intensely, or done so many hours of mouse-clicking homework. But, I do feel like I’ve kind of, sort of, got it. The basics that is, just the basics. And for that I have Mark to thank.

April 18, 2011


Just a quick note of thanks for your unfaltering patience this semester. Your step-by-step assignment instructions were invaluable. I feel so liberated, having mastered the concepts of layers and masking—total Latin to me before your class. And while I’m quite sure photoshop and I are still adversaries, I’m seeing tiny glimmers of hope at the end of this long journey. Big thanks to you and your teachings!

All the best,


R. Nichols


  1. Leslie Alderman says

    Thank you for including links on all of your posts. I click on each one and am exposed to all sorts of new places and things. I especially like your stationary choices. I was in Target this weekend and their note cards are very affordable, and cute! I was thinking of you as I perused the isle. Anyway, thank you again.

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