one hundred and forty-three: letters for Ethel + Sara

Today’s letters go out to two exceptional women. Bryanne told me all about her lovely grandmother who recently celebrated a big birthday. And Amy told me exactly what to pen to her friend Sara, the doer! I hope these gals like their mail!

May 24, 2011

one hundred and forty-three:


Your eldest granddaughter Bryanne told me how much you enjoy hand written letters, so I thought I’d add another one to your mailbox. I hope you’ve settled into your summer address in Wisconsin and are enjoying the blooms and butterflies of the season. I have a feeling it’s going to be a hot one! And I know I’m a little late, but I heard you recently celebrated your 90th Birthday! Happy, Happy! You must have some stories. Enjoy the summer breezes and your family (who love you so much!).



Rossler Papier (Kate’s Paperie)


one hundred and forty-three and a half:


Congratulations on being a doer!


Amy (+ Lauren )

Rossler Papier (Kate’s Paperie)

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