one hundred and fifty-seven: letters for Isabella + Joey

Today’s letters go to two cool kids. Isabella is a five-year old ballerina who enthusiastically runs to the mailbox daily. And Joey is a thirteen-year old all-star, courageously battling leukemia and undergoing his second round of treatment.

June 7, 2011

one hundred and fifty-seven:


Your Mom told me you love getting mail—me too! She also told me all about your drawing and dancing excellence. Did you just have a dance recital? Perhaps you can draw me a picture of you in your costume. I used to dance too and the tutus were my favorite part! Have you read any good books lately? Mom told me you love going to the library—me too! Isabella, we have so much in common! I hope you have a splendid summer vacation… try to stay cool in all that Florida sunshine!



P.S. I hope you like pink like me! :)

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one hundred and fifty-seven and a half:


Tales of your bravery have made it all the way to New York!

I understand you have been putting up quite the fight against Leukemia. I’m so sorry you’ve had to battle this for three years now—that must be the pits. I’m hoping this second round of treatment does the trick and you can get back to doing very important teenager things.

In the meantime, I hope you’re gearing up for football season. Do you think the Eagles have a shot this year?

I hear you have an awesome attitude and a great sense of humor—I really admire that Joey. And I am going to try and be more like you, every day. Thanks for the inspiration and best wishes for a speedy recovery!



The Great Lakes Goods

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