Dolores is one of those whip smart ladies who seemingly knows something about everything. She has impeccable taste and an elegantly decorated home that still manages to feel comfortable and lived in. Most of all, Dolores is courageous. Five years ago her life was turned upside down without warning. I admire her ability to rebuild and ultimately find happiness again. I’m not sure I would have fared too well under the circumstances. And I just thought she should know…
Have you ever told someone you admire how much they mean to you? Make me proud and write them a letter!
April 6, 2011
I can hardly believe it has been five years. I vividly remember hearing the news for the first time; my Dad told me in the car, on the way home from the train station. I was stunned, insisting this had to be some kind of cruel April Fool’s joke. This was the kind of betrayal that belonged in a harlequin romance novel. It couldn’t happen to someone I cared for and admired. I just hated seeing you ambushed and heartbroken in the weeks and months that followed.
But what I don’t think I’ve ever told you is how impressed and inspired I was by your courageous tussle to rebuild your life. You took the fistful of lemons dealt your way and survived, flourished even. One piece at a time, you put things back together for yourself and your family. And in due time you learned to trust again and even found love. Sunny days are here again, and I couldn’t be happier for you.
I’ve always loved the Martin Luther King quote, “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” You are a shining example of a well-measured lady (with good looks and wit to boot). If possible, I admire you even more today than in those moments of adversity. And I just thought you should know.
All the best,
Lauren xxo
You bring tears to my eyes and joy to my heart for your understanding and friendhship. You are someone very special. xxDolores
As are you! x