Oh friends, my sincerest apologies for the absence. I paid a visit to my future in-laws this weekend (in sunny Florida, oh my) and took a little break from letter writing. And then there was a birthday celebration and a late night at work. Poor excuses, I know. But I missed you all and I’m back, just in time for the weekend.
Do you remember the 2000 movie Pay it Forward? A young boy preforms three acts of kindness. All he asks in return, is that the recipients of kindness “pay it forward” with three more good deeds in an effort to keep the cycle going. The movie (and book) sparked a movement. In 2007 Pay It Forward Day was founded in Australia, and now six years later more than fifty-two countries are performing acts of kindness, today!
I have come up with three letter-related acts and I’m challenging you dear readers to do the same.
1. As I’ve mentioned before, we don’t have mailboxes in our apartment building. Instead our mail is delivered to our doorstep daily. One of my favorite doormen works the morning shift a couple of days each week and sorts our letters and parcels. As such, I’m giving him an envelope of thanks and including two movie tickets.
2. Mail can get expensive (believe me). I’m off to the post office today to mail a package and have decided to pay for a fellow line-mate’s postage. Here’s hoping they aren’t mailing to Antarctica!
3. And last but not least, I want to pay it forward to one of you. Are you in need of a little mail kit? I’m happy to send along some stationery supplies so you can mail happy letters to unsuspecting recipients. Simply comment below or send me an email at lettersfromlauren@gmail.com. One reader will be chosen at random on April 30th.
So get out there and buy someone a cup of coffee, top off a parking meter or send someone a sweet note. Small acts of kindness can go a long way!
P.S. I love author Emily Giffin’s Pay it Forward facebook page, encouraging readers to pass along their copies of her books! Genius!
P.P.S. I’d love to hear your Pay It Forward stories if you’d like to share…
I would love to get a mail kit! Sending letters is one of my favorite ways to treat my friends, family, and pen pals.
I would also love a mail kit. I really enjoy sending letters to family & friends, it feels so special after all of the emails, Facebook posts, etc!
You’re adorable xx