a thank you letter for an awesome teacher


Today’s letters are winging their way to Singapore! Bethany wrote to me a month or so ago, requesting a couple of letters for some special teachers in her life. I was delighted to oblige. I am a big fan of teachers! (Proof! And more proof!) It felt very apropos to send some love at the end of the school year. Have you thanked a teacher lately? What are you waiting for?! [Read more…]

two letters for two Aussies


Today’s letters are traveling all the way to Australia! Kathleen is a long-time supporter of snail mail and Letters from Lauren. The poor darling has attempted to send me not one BUT two post cards. And despite having the correct address, both have been returned! I just had to return the favor. Meaghan, a sweet fifteen-year-old requested a letter. She loves to send them, but her mailbox never feels full enough. I know how exciting mail call is (at any age) and was happy to oblige.

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letters + stationery for Katie + Anne


I just looooove mail! The best mail comes from readers and like-minded letter writers. A couple of weeks ago, I opened up p.o. box 1219 and not one, but two letters were waiting for me. Yay! Both ladies made promises to write more letters in 2013, so I decided to send them each a letter and some supplies to help them make good on their goal.

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one hundred and seventy-one: letters for Quinn + Tula

Today’s letters go out to two letter lovers—one who eschewed technology for forty days (hats off, Quinn) and a veteran pen-pal.

June 21, 2011

one hundred and seventy-one:


Firstly, your full name is awesome—you must get that all the time.

Secondly, how did your forty-day technology fast go? Your friend Jessica told me about your plan. Did you make it? I love that your friends mailed you letters to communicate (what good friends). I’m a letter-lover through and through, so much so, I’m writing a letter a day in 2011. Jessica sweetly asked me to put one in your box during your tech-free days, but I had oh so many requests. I hope a tardy letter is welcome all the same…

She also told me about your grand plans for sweet potato fries. Success? I have a mandolin and consider myself a fairly decent cook, but I’ve yet to master the fry technique. Mine always cook unevenly and are never crunchy enough! If you have any insider tips, I’m all ears.

All the best,


P.S. I hope summer is treating you well and the beard is winning hearts and minds, wink.

sugar paper


one hundred and seventy-one and a half:


I am always delighted to meet like-minded letter lovers! I love that you have carried on so many correspondences over the years. Why did you stop?! I’m sure your letters were little bits of cheer for their recipients, especially your grandfather.

So tell me, what are your favorite stationery lines? I’m always looking for new paper discoveries. I’ve been finding all sorts of gems on etsy lately.

I hope this here letter gives you a little nudge to start using your pretty paper again! The world is a better places with letters!

All the best,


kate spade

one hundred and sixty-four: letters for Virginia + Krystal

Today’s letters go out to two women who are adored by those who know them best. Virginia is retiring from teaching middle-school English, and Krystal is just all-around awesome!

June 14, 2011

one hundred and sixty-four:


Your lovely daughter Caitlin told me all about you. I am just besotted with your “thank-you letter lesson.” I think it’s wonderful you’ve taught your students such a useful skill, mapping their road to success. And I am delighted to know there are like-minded letter-lovers, keeping the tradition alive!

BIG, heartfelt congratulations on your retirement! May your road ahead be golden and filled with happiness (and a few well-penned letters). Hats off to you!

All the best,


Macon York  (discovered via my parchment post subscription!)


one hundred and city-four and a half:


Your sweet friend Jeanette wrote me the most adorable list of things about you! A few of my favorites… “She loves hardcore music, especially vinyl. She loves tattoos. She loves to bake. She has crazy hair.” Um, can we be friends?!

She asked that I send you a little note telling you just how wonderful you are (hey, I believe it and we’ve never met!). It sounds like you mean the world to a lot of people. And based on this lengthy list of attributes + fun facts, I can see why. Isn’t it nice to know you’re so adored?!

And since you’re a fellow baker, I thought these grilled peaches + ice cream would be just the ticket for a glorious summer evening… not quite baking, but OH so delicious! Enjoy!

All the best,


Home School Chef + Claudia Pearson Illustration  (discovered via my parchment post subscription!)

one hundred and fifty-seven: letters for Isabella + Joey

Today’s letters go to two cool kids. Isabella is a five-year old ballerina who enthusiastically runs to the mailbox daily. And Joey is a thirteen-year old all-star, courageously battling leukemia and undergoing his second round of treatment.

June 7, 2011

one hundred and fifty-seven:


Your Mom told me you love getting mail—me too! She also told me all about your drawing and dancing excellence. Did you just have a dance recital? Perhaps you can draw me a picture of you in your costume. I used to dance too and the tutus were my favorite part! Have you read any good books lately? Mom told me you love going to the library—me too! Isabella, we have so much in common! I hope you have a splendid summer vacation… try to stay cool in all that Florida sunshine!



P.S. I hope you like pink like me! :)

Paper Source


one hundred and fifty-seven and a half:


Tales of your bravery have made it all the way to New York!

I understand you have been putting up quite the fight against Leukemia. I’m so sorry you’ve had to battle this for three years now—that must be the pits. I’m hoping this second round of treatment does the trick and you can get back to doing very important teenager things.

In the meantime, I hope you’re gearing up for football season. Do you think the Eagles have a shot this year?

I hear you have an awesome attitude and a great sense of humor—I really admire that Joey. And I am going to try and be more like you, every day. Thanks for the inspiration and best wishes for a speedy recovery!



The Great Lakes Goods

one hundred and fifty: (map inspired) letters for Lauren + Sabeen

I love to travel and nothing tickles me more than posting an international letter. Today’s letters go to two ladies with the same adventurer spirit: Lauren is making maps in Africa and Sabeen is seeing the world one country at a time.

May 31, 2011

one hundred and fifty:


How’s life in Africa treating you? Blake told me about your fabulous job—I’ve never met a cartographer before! Were you always interested in maps? I worked at a magazine for a few years and was responsible for sketching maps. And that was a doozy! I really admire your talent. I hear you’re learning French too. I bet you’ll be speaking like a native in no time. Best of luck on this fabulous adventure!




one hundred and fifty and a half:


My name is Lauren. I’ve taken on a little project this year—I am writing a letter a day in 2011. Your friend Christina suggested I send you a letter.

She tells me you are quite the traveler (and post card sender). Have you really been to forty-two countries? I love to travel. I think I inherited my wanderlust from my Mom; she was a flight attendant for thirty years.

Do you have a favorite place? I have always loved Europe, especially London. And Barcelona is one of the coolest cities—the culture and the food are so inspiring!

I would love to hear about your adventures should you feel like posting an extra letter, wink. Safe travels wherever you are headed next! I’ll be thinking (er, envying) you!



card stock + map envelopes

one hundred and forty-three: letters for Ethel + Sara

Today’s letters go out to two exceptional women. Bryanne told me all about her lovely grandmother who recently celebrated a big birthday. And Amy told me exactly what to pen to her friend Sara, the doer! I hope these gals like their mail!

May 24, 2011

one hundred and forty-three:


Your eldest granddaughter Bryanne told me how much you enjoy hand written letters, so I thought I’d add another one to your mailbox. I hope you’ve settled into your summer address in Wisconsin and are enjoying the blooms and butterflies of the season. I have a feeling it’s going to be a hot one! And I know I’m a little late, but I heard you recently celebrated your 90th Birthday! Happy, Happy! You must have some stories. Enjoy the summer breezes and your family (who love you so much!).



Rossler Papier (Kate’s Paperie)


one hundred and forty-three and a half:


Congratulations on being a doer!


Amy (+ Lauren )

Rossler Papier (Kate’s Paperie)