one hundred and thirty-seven: more sympathy for Claire

My darling friend Claire is kicking serious butt as a magazine editor in a war-torn country. I don’t know how she does it, but she is hands-down the most adaptable person I know. Claire’s been having a rough go of it. She’s far away from her family and friends, and well, lots of people have been leaving her life lately. If anyone deserves some mailbox cheer its this girl.

May 18, 2011


Almost immediately after I got your sorrowful news, I came across some poetic graffiti in the subway. A little Helen Keller for the commute: “ For all that we love becomes a part of us.” I think it reins especially true for the ones we love and loose, don’t you?

Your Dad will be a part of you forever—in your affinity for books, your taste in music, and most of all in your heart, every day. I know he was so very proud of you and that he loved you to the end of the earth and back. And now he’s got your back, somewhere in the sky…

You’re in my thoughts and prayers love. And if I can do anything, just say the word. I love you.


Lauren xxo

Dee and LaLa

one hundred and twenty-seven: a letter for my Mom

Today, we celebrate the Mothers of the world: the women who fearlessly gain thirty pounds of cushion for their wombs, the women who have an endless supply of patience during the worst tantrums, and the women who stay up late to help you build a solar system out of papier-mache (just saying). These heroines walk among us, encouraging and loving us no matter what. And today we celebrate them. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there, most especially mine.

May 8, 2011

My most favorite President had some wise words: “All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my Mother.” He was right. And it’s true, I am the woman I am today because of you.

You are my cheerleader, in times of joy and in moments of struggle. Your endless supply of encouragement has gotten me through the toughest of times. And your ability, call it Mother’s intuition, to know exactly what I need in any given moment is nothing short of amazing.

All my favorite memories include you. Our family vacations to awe-inspiring places, our mother-daughter shopping adventures, even time spent watching bad tv with tray-tables on our laps. I am so lucky to have a Mom that doubles as a best friend.

You taught me that the little things in life matter most, like ironed sheets and thank you notes. You always lead by example, teaching me to be kind and loyal. And thanks to the Virgo in you, I am a tidy and organized member of society.

Thank you for always being proud of me and for loving me so fiercely. I am so very lucky to call you my Mom. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.

xxo Lauren

Hammerpress (A big shout out to my birth city and these fabulous folks!)

one hundred and twenty-six: congratulations for Erin + Ben

Today my dear friend Erin married her love, Ben. We couldn’t have asked for bluer skies, a more gorgeous seaside setting or a better looking bride and groom. It was such a well-appointed affair full of wonderful people.

One of my favorite takeaways from the weekend was post-wedding star gazing. When you live in a city with lots of lights, you come to really appreciate an easily spotted constellation. Simple pleasures and good friends sure make for wonderful memories. Congratulations Mr. + Mrs. Hudson, may you live happily ever after!

May 7, 2011

Erin and Ben,

(The NEW Mr. and Mrs. Hudson)

My heart is just bursting with love for you both. It is such an honor to be a part of your wedding–a memory I will cherish always. May your new life together be filled with good health, happiness and lots of love. Best wishes today and always.


Lauren xxo

(in my haste to get down the aisle I forgot to jot down the stationer, please forgive me!)

one hundred and seventeen: my lease renewal contract

Well, after some serious contemplation I did it. I renewed my lease for another year in charming New York City. Thankfully the rent increase was minimal. I like to think of myself as a stellar tenant. And this will be my sixth year under the same roof! There’s no place I’d rather be (unless those lovely Brits would be willing to issue me a Visa)…

April 28, 2011

Dear Landlords,

I am delighted to renew my lease and spend another year in this hospitable building. Please find enclosed my signed contract.

All the best,


one-hundred and four: a letter for Gelly

Angelica and I were big letter writers in high-school. We filled a spiral notebook with notes; we’d swap it back and forth between classes detailing the minutia of our days. All of our crushes and teenage angst are encased between these multi-colored, doodled pages. It’s only natural a letter-lover would save all her correspondence and this notebook is no exception. It is my most favorite anthology of high school—take that yearbook (which I edited).

Angelica and I lost touch after high school. We reconnected about a year ago, and it was as if not a day had gone by. She’s married now with a charming little boy. I am so happy to have her back in my life. She wrote the last letter, and ten plus years later, I’m finally writing back.

April 15, 2011


I stumbled upon our little notebook last time I was home. Ah, what a trip down memory lane. The boys, the kisses, the drama, the nicknames—it made me miss you and our youth! Mostly all the time we had—time enough to write twelve page letter (!), switch ink colors every three lines and doodle at will. Ha!

I am so glad we reconnected last year. There was hardly a day that went by that I didn’t wonder about you or kick myself for letting us fall out of touch. I loved seeing you and to catching up on the highlights of the last ten years. Watching you and Logan interact was really sweet—you are such a great Mom Gelly. And I love that you’ve found happiness in life. You’ve been through a lot and are so deserving of a sunny-ever-after my friend.

Here’s hoping many more letters are in our future, and pancakes too! I’ll give you a ring next time I’m down south.

Lots of love,


Bella Ink (graciously donated–thank you!)

eighty-eight: a letter + package for Raj

Raj is an amazing man, and remarkable doctor. Fourteen years ago he joined the U.S. Army Reserve; currently he is serving our country in Iraq. He sent word of his safe arrival and mentioned he was winning friends with his French Press (which he packed in lieu of deodorant). Raj’s stories are bone chilling and the work he and so many of our men are doing is truly heroic. I decided a little appreciation was in order.

March 30, 2011


My Dad forwarded your email and recent photos from the desert—your gear must weigh a ton! And your stories are so heart wrenching. It’s hard to imagine life in a war torn nation, especially the lengths people will go to in an effort to generate fear.

Thank you for aiding the wounded soldiers who are so earnestly protecting our country. I think what you are doing is so admirable. And thank you most of all for being so brave, so that the rest of us don’t have to be. Our country is so appreciative of your sacrifices (even if we aren’t always the best about showing our gratitude).

I packed you a couple of essentials—the deodorant you left behind (appropriately in Swagger scent), a replenishment of coffee beans and the coveted Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Something tells me it will win you even more friends than the caffeinated brew.

I hope the next few months of duty fly by and you’re back at home with your wife and daughter in no time. Thank you again for your service to our country.

All the best,


favorite design

the letters didn’t suffer

May I offer you some letter inspired eye-candy? I’m hoping it will get me back in your good graces.

Oh friends, my sincerest apologies for the unplanned hiatus! A freelance project nearly swallowed me whole (please direct all complaints, grievances and how-dare-yous to Paul). I assure you, the letters didn’t suffer—just the posting. So here they all are in rapid succession… enjoy!

P.S. Thanks for sticking with me!

No. 1 : letter necklace

No. 2: letter coin purse

No. 3 : letter-inspired sewing kit


sixty-eight: a letter for a brave girl

I recently found out someone I know is sick. And it is very unlikely she will get better. I know a letter won’t change her prognosis, but I wanted her to know I’m thinking of her.

March 9, 2011

To the Brave Girl with the Awesome Shoe Collection:

I’m not sure there are any right words for circumstances like these, but I wanted you to know I am thinking about you. Always. Since you shared your news, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind. I am so sorry this is happening to you—you are the least deserving of such luck. I can’t begin to imagine what this must be like for you.

In a relatively short time I’ve come to admire your spirit—you’re such a hard worker and always eager to lend a hand. You’ve got a great heart and excellent taste in shoes (if I do say so myself). I admire you. I know I wouldn’t be half as brave in the face of such adversity.

If there is anything I can do for you, now or down the road, please let me know. I know there are a lot of people out there who care for you and support you. Just think of me as one of the local ones. If you ever need to talk, rant, cry—I’m here. I really do mean that.

With complete respect and admiration,


kate spade

fifty-seven: Lauren accepts with pleasure

Today I received my friend Erin’s wedding invitation. Nothing delights me more than hand calligraphy and lined envelopes. I wish more occasions called for such pomp. Formal wedding invitations didn’t always include idiot-proof response cards. Many moons ago it was proper to accept with pleasure or decline with regret on your own “official” stationery. And always in a timely fashion, per Ms. Emily Post.

As such, I’m popping my reply in the mail straightaway. I included a Homer quote for the couple on the back of the card.

February 26, 2011

Erin + Ben,

“There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.” HOMER

I look forward to celebrating your love on the seventh of May!

Much Love,

Lauren xxo

William Arthur wedding suite (And it’s letterpressed! Be still my beating heart!)

thirty-one: a (typed) thank you for Charles

My friend Charles is a brilliant photographer and exceedingly thoughtful. I mentioned that I was on the hunt for a typewriter, for my letter writing. And to my complete surprise he gifted me the most gorgeous typewriter, ever. I’m rethinking my furniture layout to accommodate a proper desk (read: pedestal) for the sweet valentine.

January 31, 2011


This thank you note is a paltry attempt to show my gratitude for the sweet valentine typewriter. It’s only been a few hours and already we’re getting along swimmingly. I think we might be soul mates. And you know how I feel about that word.

I hope I showed the appropriate amount of excitement and appreciation today. You caught me completely off guard. I am astounded. I couldn’t have dreamed up a more beautiful machine. Everything about it is perfect—the color, the compactness, and that brilliant name: valentine. It is my new favorite thing. I can’t imagine what will bump it from top billing. I will keep it forever and treasure it always. Thank you.

I am touched by your thoughtfulness and tremendous generosity. And I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful friend. I will never forget this amazing present (worlds better than a first-aid kit) or the happiness I feel today, typing away… click, click, click. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Yours truly,


P.S. Please excuse the typos, valentine and I need a few more hours of practice.

P.P.S. You were spot on about the finger muscles.

Paper Cup letter paper