always a day of remembrance


My new office is a block away from the former World Trade Center. As I explore the unfamiliar neighborhood looking for lunch spots, I can’t help but wonder what it was like fifteen years ago. Before the terror. Before the lives lost. Before the recovery.

Today, I will undoubtedly think of all those who died twelve years ago. Twelve years, and yet it feels like just yesterday. I will remember the heroism, the compassion and the incredible stories of survival and patriotism in the days that followed.

For those who lost someone they loved, my thoughts are with you. And for those who aided in rescues and rebuilding efforts, I thank you. This day will forever be one of remembrance.

A letter to me at sixteen


On Friday July fifth, I turned thirty. It feels like just yesterday I was adding streamers to my two-wheeler and counting down the days until summer. And now I’m a real grown-up with a full time job, a soon-to-be-husband and (gasp!) a few gray hairs.

Have you heard of Dear Me? It’s a collection of letters from older and wiser personalities–to themselves at sixteen. It got me thinking, what would I write to my younger self? Sixteen is such a tender age–what do you share and what wouldn’t you want to spoil? What would you write to yourself? Here’s what I came up with…

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Happy 4th of July


Happy Birthday America! No card I regret, but an ardent wish for a good year ahead for this country I so love. A sincere thank you to those who made this day possible–the soldiers, the freedom fighters, even the wig-wearing declaration authors. It is a honor to celebrate this day.

I hope there is a flag cake in your future. And a heaping plate of deliciousness straight from the grill. Happy 4th of July!

P.S. the letters will return on Monday…


Miranda July does letters


I got a tip from Miss Alex that Miranda July has a new project in the works. You can read all the details here. We Think Alone is an excuse to read some mundane emails from some pretty swell people. Every Monday from July 1 until November 11, a ‘themed compendium of ten emails will arrive in your inbox’. If you sign up, that is…

While they aren’t stamped letters, they are quite reflective of our modern day correspondence. And who wouldn’t want an email from Lena Dunham?!

The World’s Smallest Post Service


A while back my Mom and I found ourselves in Chicago. And a trip to Chicago is not complete without a stop (read: a full hour of browsing + buying) at Greer. Greer is one of my all-time favorite stationery shops. As I’ve mentioned before, Chandra’s expertly curated collection is what my dreams are made of, really. But I digress. As I was paying for my discoveries I noticed “The World’s Smallest Post Service” and swooned. A girl of my stature (5’11”) is easily awed by small things. My Mom surprised me with it weeks later.

[Read more…]

you’ve got mail


In July I stumbled upon a mixed media piece at the Westport Fine Arts Festival. The artist (who’s card I have fretfully lost, and therefore name I cannot remember, please comment if you know!) discovered some college dorm mailboxes, complete with alpha-combination locks. He transformed them into wooden boxes, perfectly sized for letters and tiny treasures. I couldn’t resist the Alice In Wonderland appeal. And a mailbox–I just had to have it!

The art went up on the wall and has since doubled as a mailbox for love letters. Adam and I take turns leaving each other notes and the occasional treat. He was skeptic at first–of both the art and the commitment to letter-writing. But he came around (in full disclosure–now it’s his first stop on the apartment tour). If the mailbox is closed + locked, you’ve got mail! When its open, lovely origami cranes beam back at you.

Nothing warms the heart like a love letter. Do you send your lover letters?

Sweet Airmail

Confession: Valentine’s Day is my second favorite holiday (it is hard to top Christmas). And its just thirteen days away! Cupid is stockpiling arrows. And I’m turning my thoughts to love letters–the ultimate valentine. Nothing tops a heartfelt missive on paper. But perhaps some edible airmail could come close? I set to work in the kitchen.


I rolled out sugar cookie dough and used a knife to shape envelope-like squares. I also made a few hearts–I just couldn’t resist.


Using an xacto knife, I cut cherry and blue raspberry Airheads into airmail stripes. I used a mini cookie cutter to make some hearts and mixed a batch of Royal Icing to give the cookies an extra kick of sugar (and a nice envelope-white surface).


I spread a thin layer of icing on each cookie and decorated them with the airmail stripes. The mini heart made a perfect stamp for my mail!


Such a sweet treat deserved an extra special delivery. I packaged the cookies in kraft boxes (more hearts!) and penned a quick note.


With the Airheads logo in mind, I tied a red balloon to each box and ding-dong-ditched the cookies at unsuspecting friends’ doorsteps!


I just love sweet surprises! Are you planning to surprise anyone this Valentine’s Day?

P.S. Airheads put me up to the challenge. You can vote for your favorite entry here!


after a long hiatus…


… I’m back. I wish I had a juicy explanation for my absence, like I was off getting a Phd, learning Mandarin or solving international disputes. But no, I was just busy living a very ordinary life.

I got a little derailed by my web trouble. Switching servers caused some setbacks and a whole lot of hair-tugging on my part. I had big ideas, but zero experience coding.  And then the letters started to pile up. I kept writing, but the nitty-gritty part (photographing, uploading, re-typing, re-sizing, etc.) took oh so long. And one day, turned into one month, and then before I knew it a whole year and a half had passed. Sigh.

I did continue sending letters, scouts honor. Sometimes they were accompanied by cake + presents. See!


But I’ve missed this space. And you too! So I’m back. This day may never have come, if it were not for the lovely Sarah. She rescued the site and made it sparkle. Take a look around. That FAQ page I’ve been promising, it’s up top! And ways for us to keep in touch like twitter to Facebook, look right.

Lots of good things are in store, so do come back. I promise I’ll be back too.

one hundred and sixty-seven: a love letter for Lady Liberty

Today marks the 186th anniversary of Lady Liberty’s arrival in the New World. She was a gift from the French and one of my most favorite city landmarks.

June 17, 2011

Lady Liberty,

I raise my torch (read: wine glass) in honor of you today. One hundred and eight-six years have passed since you’re arrival, and you’re still looking good lady! I love that they chose you to welcome the masses to our great city. I can only imagine what people must have felt, seeing you in the distance, a beacon of hope and a promise of better days. I know I always smile with delight when I catch a glimpse of your crown during my descent into the city. You are the ultimate ambassador of this little island and a great symbol of pride for our nation. Happy Anniversary!



one hundred and sixty-two: birthday wishes for Anne Frank

I remember reading Anne Frank’s diary in grade school, sobbing at the sweet girl’s unfortunate circumstances. And then in college, visiting the secret annex where she hid and documented the comings and goings of her adolescent life. She was a remarkable young lady, with such vision. I particularly like this passage form April 5, 1944:

“I finally realized that I must do my schoolwork… to become a journalist, because that’s what I want! … And if I don’t have the talent to write books or newspaper articles, I can always write fro myself. But I want to achieve more than that. … I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I’ve never met. I want to go on living even after my death. … That’s a big question, will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer?”

I so admire her zest for life, even in the confines of an attic. If Anne had survived, she would turn eighty-two today. Imagine that?! I like to think she would have lived to be a brilliant journalist and more.


Happy Birthday! It is unfortunate you did not live to see your 82 birthday, or your 21st for that matter (something tells me it would have been more fun). But, I can say you’ve gone on living, long after your death.

Remember that red-and-white checkered diary you started? Well your Dad published it. It’s been translated into 67 languages and is one of the most widely read books in the world (over 30 million copies sold)! Your carefully penned account is legendary. Thank you for your eloquent and courageous contribution to history. Incidentally, your diary was one of the few books on my summer reading list I was actually excited to read! It was my first exposure to the Holocaust.

Eight years ago, I visited the annex of rooms above your father’s office where you hid for two years. I can’t imagine what your life must have been like, or the fear you must have experienced while in hiding. I’m pleased to say our world has come a long way since then. There is always room for improvement of course, but people are much more tolerant and accepting of each other. Its small consolation for the price you and so many others paid, but it’s a step in the right direction. And you played a significant part in that.

You may not have lived to be a journalist in the way you imagined, but you did everything else you set out to do. You wrote something great—something that has brought millions happiness and understanding. And you live on, every day.

Happy Birthday Anne! It’s safe to toot your own birthday horn.

With admiration,
