I finally took down the string of paper hearts and I gobbled the last of the Valentine m&ms. It’s over, sigh. But thankfully spring seems to be just around the corner (wishful thinking?) and I have a fabulous trip to Paris to fantasize about.
Love Notes
Letters are the best! Even a quick scribble of adoration brightens a day. My Mom would jot notes on my napkin (and a kiss), while packing my school lunches–they were almost as good as my Publix chocolate-chip cookies! And when I was old enough, I wrote her notes and hid them deep in her suitcase for discovery mid-trip (she was a flight-attendant and traveled weekly).
The World’s Smallest Post Service
A while back my Mom and I found ourselves in Chicago. And a trip to Chicago is not complete without a stop (read: a full hour of browsing + buying) at Greer. Greer is one of my all-time favorite stationery shops. As I’ve mentioned before, Chandra’s expertly curated collection is what my dreams are made of, really. But I digress. As I was paying for my discoveries I noticed “The World’s Smallest Post Service” and swooned. A girl of my stature (5’11”) is easily awed by small things. My Mom surprised me with it weeks later.
get well wishes for Gramma
My Gramma has been suffering from pneumonia (in both lungs) for the last few weeks. She spent a couple of days in the hospital and then a few more regaining her strength at a rehabilitation center. Pneumonia is the pits! Thankfully she’s home now and on the mend. Nevertheless, well wishes were in order.
February 1, 2013
I am sorry you’ve been sick. And so sick! Did I mention I was worried sick about you? Enough sick already.
I am so relieved you’re on the mend and have promised to take better care of yourself. I’d like to request that in writing. Can that be arranged? You may be past the tissues at this phase, but I thought I’d send some well wishes anyway. I hope you gain more strength with each passing day and are back to yourself in no time. A lady like you doesn’t have time for sick. And I love you way too much for it.
Lauren xoxo
one hundred and seventy-five: wedding congratulations for Griffin + Nicole
Today my cousin celebrates his marriage to Nicole. Sadly I won’t be able to partake in the jams + cupcakes, but I am there in spirit, wishing them all the joys this life has to offer! Congratulations!
June 25, 2011
Griffin and Nicole,
Congratulations on your wedding! I’m sorry I can’t be there to toast your union, but I am cheering from New York.
A little Irish blessing for a happily ever after:
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And may your hearts be forever joined in love!
Wishing you both all the best!
Lauren xxo
one hundred and sixty-nine: a letter for a wonderful father
Today is Father’s Day. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful Dad (he dubbed himself Mr. Wonderful and I let it stick) whom I adore. I hope you have the same, or another paternal influence that likes a celebratory meal at a delicious restaurant!
June 19, 2011
This globe reminds me of the weekly summaries you made me to write during middle school. As if having six classes and six homework assignments wasn’t enough, I was the only kid forced to write summaries on them all. No, I haven’t forgotten. I also haven’t forgotten the time you took my dolls away or when you signed me up for co-ed basketball during my formative teen years.
But that’s not all I remember.
I remember styling your hair. Using a dish-towel as a cape and a spray bottle to authentically wet the hair before molding it into the perfect do with bows and ribbons! I applaud your patience. (And take no responsibility for your receding hairline.)
I remember you teaching me how to hit a baseball (albeit with a large and forgiving bat). We’d play for hours in the backyard, with your dirty laundry serving as bases. We developed a fierce little bond during those weekends when Mom was flying and Marie Callender was in charge of dinner.
I remember your unwavering support when the job I loved was lost to the recession. You allowed me to feel sorry for myself, but only for moment. With your encouragement, I picked up the pieces and kept on with the journey.
I am so grateful for you–for your good advice, your support, and most of all your love. You have made me the person I am today. (And you did a darn good job if I do say so myself.) I love you.
Happy Father’s Day Mr. Wonderful!
xo Lauren
one hundred and fifty-four: birthday love for Gramma
Today my Grandmother celebrates her 84th birthday! I wish I was in sunny Florida, sharing a piece of chocolate cake with her. Happy Birthday Gramma!
June 4, 2011
I hope the birthday fairy brought balloons and cake! I’m going to have a piece today in your honor—it will be a big imposition of course, but I’m willing to do it for you Gram. I hope today is a keeper and that the year ahead is full of great memories—starting with a wedding! I love you very much and am so blessed to have you in my life, both as a wise woman and a dear friend. Happy Birthday!
Bella Ink (graciously donated–thank you!)
one hundred and twenty-seven: a letter for my Mom
Today, we celebrate the Mothers of the world: the women who fearlessly gain thirty pounds of cushion for their wombs, the women who have an endless supply of patience during the worst tantrums, and the women who stay up late to help you build a solar system out of papier-mache (just saying). These heroines walk among us, encouraging and loving us no matter what. And today we celebrate them. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mamas out there, most especially mine.
May 8, 2011
My most favorite President had some wise words: “All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my Mother.” He was right. And it’s true, I am the woman I am today because of you.
You are my cheerleader, in times of joy and in moments of struggle. Your endless supply of encouragement has gotten me through the toughest of times. And your ability, call it Mother’s intuition, to know exactly what I need in any given moment is nothing short of amazing.
All my favorite memories include you. Our family vacations to awe-inspiring places, our mother-daughter shopping adventures, even time spent watching bad tv with tray-tables on our laps. I am so lucky to have a Mom that doubles as a best friend.
You taught me that the little things in life matter most, like ironed sheets and thank you notes. You always lead by example, teaching me to be kind and loyal. And thanks to the Virgo in you, I am a tidy and organized member of society.
Thank you for always being proud of me and for loving me so fiercely. I am so very lucky to call you my Mom. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.
xxo Lauren
Hammerpress (A big shout out to my birth city and these fabulous folks!)
one hundred and thirteen: an Easter Bunny for McKayla
McKayla is my faux niece. I’m an only child, so I naturally I like to play pretend. And any aunt would be lucky to call this girl hers! Her Mom is raising a wonderfully polite and poised little lady. I only wish I got to see her more often (she lives a plane ride away).
Hope the Easter Bunny was good to you friends!
April 24, 2011
Mc Kayla,
I hope you have a very sweet Easter! And maybe I’ll see you in May? Lots of love…
Auntie Lauren xxo
one hundred and nine: a thank you for Mom
I feel a little sheepish admitting this to you all, but I love to clean. It’s not really the act of scouring I adore, but the results. I spent the better half of the last two days giving my apartment a serious scrub-down. My lovely Mother led the spring-cleaning charge, arriving armed with Clorox wipes and industrial rubber gloves. God bless this woman! As a little thank you, I picked up a pair of flashy spring rain shoes. And of course, a proper note of thanks…
April 20, 2011
Despite the dust and grime, I so enjoyed our annual cleaning spree. Lovely 7 J and I thank you, oh so much. I couldn’t have done it without you. And thanks for running me around town in an effort to expedite my many errands. My, cars are swell.
Most of all, I loved spending two days in your company. You are the best and I am so lucky you are mine.
P.S. I owe you a manicure.