The Found Art of Thank-You Notes


I gave up my paper subscription to The New York Times many years ago, and a part of me misses it. There is nothing quite like holding a newspaper in your hands, creasing the folds in an effort to make more room on your breakfast table. Every so often my Mom will save a section of the paper, especially if she thinks one of the articles will “speak” to me (one of the million things I love about that woman). This weekend she set aside the Sunday Styles section. And for good reason.

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Save The Weekend


When Adam and I got engaged, I had big plans to keep things small. I was thinking twelve people for dinner would be just lovely. Well, I was overruled and we are having the exact opposite of twelve people for dinner by every definition. Cue the comfort cocktail. As such, it took a wee while to pick a place and shape our plans. The only wedding component that was an easy decision for me? The stationery of course! The lovely and talented Mr. Boddington’s Studio was up to the job (thankfully). The first order of business was our save-the-dates.

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