With eggs still on the brain, I prepared a little Easter basket for three of my favorite New York City kiddos. The kids range in age, but are all old enough to reach the counter and engage in some egg dying.
I found an adorable kit at Target where you can dye and decorate with stick on eyes and smiles! And because this holiday is known for sweet treats, I included some bunny teeth lollipops. I always keep a few cello bags on hand for repackaging everything from baked goods to store bought delights. It’s a little extra that goes a long way.
And because no gift is complete without a card, I included a (slightly modified) Where’s Waldo Easter greeting. I’m quite sure Waldo’s “find me list” will keep them busy while Mom and Dad hard boil the eggs!
Nothing softens the blow of coming back from a vacation like a “Welcome Home” gift basket from Lauren! Thank you so much for the adorable and ever thoughtful Easter goody bag. The kids will be indulging in earnest egg decorating this weekend and we hope to see you soon to show you their efforts.
Bless you sweet lady… the kids posted to you recently so keep an eye out for your favourite type of correspondence!